Over 2.3 billion dollars were averted in the United States between 2013 and 2017. The “President’s fraud” swindle has affected many companies worldwide. Unfortunately, according to the Central Office for the Repression of Great Financial Delinquency (OCRDGF), the scammers have chosen to change their target by favoring SMEs. Since 2018, this fraud has continued to increase, and companies are encouraged to strengthen their vigilance mechanisms.
President Fraud, a Burgeoning Swindle
Fraud of the President has nothing to do with the President of the Republic. It is a familiar name for false transfer orders. This fraud consists of a deceiver posing as the manager of the company to demand an employee a bank transfer urgently and confidentially.
The payment of this amount is made to an account abroad. Accountants, management assistants, or staff with direct access to company accounts are the first targets of scammers. To convince the mark in question, the con artist will explain a reason for the company’s benefit: a debt to be settled, an offer to buy, an acquisition, or others.
How do Scammers Prepare Their Plans?
Gathering Information
Initially, the scammers will use the “social engineering process,” They come to learn about the organization and the leaders of the target company. Social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn, as well as minutes of company meetings and newsletters, serve as valuable sources of data and information for planning and controlling the sales force. These are all sources of information for scammers to prepare for their coup.
The Art of Flattery or Threatening
Before acting, they choose the right person who may be able to make the transfer. Then, the fraudsters will contact by e-mail or phone, claiming they need an emergency transfer. These scammers will demand the operation’s confidentiality to pressure the victim.
You should note that scammers use manipulation techniques to convince their victims successfully. The scammer will praise the employee’s professionalism: “I don’t trust anyone other than you in this business” or “I know you are someone you trust.”
If he fails to convince his victim, he will try to speak in a persuasive, even threatening, tone to persuade the employee to execute the transfer operation: “There is a risk of putting the company in danger if you do not perform this operation “or” I will have to decide on your case if you do not accept this request. ”
President Fraud: Increasingly Sophisticated Fraud Strategies
A network of scammers coordinates these fraudulent actions with other forms of a cybercrime attack. Previously, the frauds were directed at big companies like Google, Facebook, Nestlé.
Today, hackers have changed their target by favoring SMEs. To do this, they use false domain names like those of the target companies to mislead their victim. Worse, they even dare to create a legal structure to give credibility to their fraudulent action. Then, they can spoof an executive’s e-mail address to act. Just remember the Mail-split fault last year. The scammers have managed to remove the sender’s absolute address altogether.
How to React to this Global Scourge?
One in five fraudulent actions comes to the end of embezzlement of funds from a company. The unwelcome news is that all types of companies, whatever their size, are affected by this scourge.
The good news is that the following points can prevent risk:
- Informing employees about fraud to the President,
- Setting up control systems to secure international payments,
- Increased vigilance on the visibility of the company on social networks and other communication media,
- Outsourcing e-mail protection to alert and block anything considered “spoofing.”
Indeed, the e-mail security solutions offered by AltoSpam are designed to detect any deception, including presidential fraud. This service is recommended for both large companies and SMEs in the SaaS model.
In conclusion, President Fraud poses a significant threat to businesses, particularly SMEs, with its sophisticated tactics and growing prevalence. However, by implementing robust prevention measures, educating employees, and investing in cybersecurity solutions, companies can effectively safeguard themselves against this global scourge. Organizations must remain vigilant and proactive in combating fraud to protect their finances, reputation, and overall business integrity.