The concept of digital marketing is evolving and progressing rapidly. These changes have made it challenging for marketers to distinguish themselves when strategizing their campaigns. The best working channels, tonality, marketing method, and other factors are all part of the campaign that needs attention. The concerns are endless, but the answers are simple if you know where to look.
Below are various success stories that tell you about the campaigns that worked and can help you learn and shape your success similarly.
Campaign # 1 –Heineken – Story with Triggers
Heineken has chosen an exciting way to tell his story. Instead of focusing on the narrative of an individual or a single person, his brand used political instability and conflicts that were trending on the news to draw people’s attention. The reps set by Heineken had people state their perspectives on factors like feminism, transgender people, and issues like global warming. After that, the individuals with opposing views were asked to complete various tasks. After completing the tasks and interviews watched, the pairs were told to discuss the differences over a beer or leave. The video garnered more than 17.7 million views with millions of shares and engagements on social media.
The lesson learned was that storytelling and narrations that inspire emotional responses could go viral. You do not need to focus on the brand to get attention, but there is a way to reintroduce your brand to allow more people to engage with the central idea that you could settle your differences over a beer.
Campaign # 2: Tena – Create A Safe Space for a Brand
Every brand cannot remain socially comfortable during its campaign run. One reason for this discomfort may be that brands quickly shy away from social media. Tena, an adult incontinence brand, decided to take its product to new heights by creating a safe place for consumers to share their challenges.
Not everybody talks about this brand comfortably, which is why Tena decided to cash in on the condition. The company’s YouTube channel had a blend of unique videos with tips and humor. Tena took the tips to new levels by introducing an app related to incontinence. It allowed the audience to talk about their conditions and encouraged engagement easily.
The lesson learned here is that social media could play a vital role for people with the same challenges and issues. Even if those issues are too embarrassing to discuss, they have a surety that there is a safe place for them to discuss.
Campaign # 3: Single Grain and Eric Siu – Multi-Channel Marketing
There is no single channel or forum to share your content. It takes multiple channel efforts to ensure you create brand awareness. Single Grain Chief Executive Officer Eric Siu used this idea to generate content across a number of platforms. It included a podcast where he co-hosted a show with another digital marketing guru, Neil Patel. It gave Single Grain a stronghold over multiple areas, including YouTube, where tactical ideas were shared between business owners and marketers.
The lesson learned here was that your customers use different platforms, so you must make yourself available to all. People also respond differently in each domain, and you must reach them as they prefer. Restructuring your campaign in multiple areas gives you the visibility needed and gathers value for your customers to save time and money.
The three campaigns mentioned above showed us that you must remain creative to grab the client’s attention. Your clients are everywhere, and you must ensure your campaign has everything they prefer. You are here to solve various problems, and you must put your best self forward to get the desired results and make the campaign a success.