WordPress security is a topic of interest and concern for almost every website owner. Google blocks thousands of websites daily due to malware and phishing aspects. If you are serious about your website’s security, you must follow some best practices to keep malware away. You have many ways to keep hackers and malware away regarding website security. The last thing you want is someone else taking control of your website. Today, we will share some strategies and tips to help you increase your website security.
Using secured hosting
Not every web hosting service is made equal, and in fact, any of the vulnerabilities of website security come from hosting services. When choosing a hosting web service, do not go for the cheapest one. Do some research from your side and ensure the site is well-known and follows strict security rules. A company that keeps a track record of safety and security is the one you should consider. It is always worth paying some extra for lasting and reliable security measures to have peace of mind knowing your site is in safe hands.
Keep your site updated
With every Update of WordPress, the company releases various fixes and patches to address potential vulnerabilities. You may leave yourself open to potential dangers if you do not keep your website updated. Many hackers target multiple websites that have older versions and have known security issues. Always watch the Update Now button, and do not ignore these messages when prompted. This same aspect applies to themes and plugins, so make sure that you update them to the latest versions whenever they are released. You are less likely to get hacked if you have everything updated accordingly.
Use strong passwords
There is a reason that every online service urges the user to generate strong passwords. According to statistics, most of the websites that are down are due to weak passwords. Suppose your password for your dashboard is like “your name” or “Abc123”; then you need to change them as soon as possible to ensure security. Use a password that is easy to remember for you but hard to crack for anyone else.
Install website security backup solution
Backups are an essential and effective defense against WordPress attacks. It is a fact that nothing is 100% secure, but backups allow you to restore your website in case anything wrong happens. You have the availability of many free or paid plugins. The most crucial point to consider for backups is saving full site backups regularly to a remote location, not your hosting site. You can use Cloud services for this purpose and save everything necessary.
Never use the username “admin”
There were many brute force attacks against websites with the username admin. The hackers used the username with a bunch of common passwords and gained access to websites very quickly. If your website uses “admin” as a username, you are in great danger of cyber-attacks and must change it immediately. Until version 3.0, WordPress automatically sets the username as admin by default. After 3.0, you can select the username as you please. You can fix this issue by setting up another account with a different username and deleting the admin account.
Limit login attempts
The number of login attempts also gives hackers plenty of chances to crack passwords. Such people need all the time they can to guess passwords, and limiting login attempts will enable you to restrict such attacks. If there are a limited number of logins, the attempts to gain access stop after two or three logins; this thereby secures your website from anyone besides the owner to gain access.
Final Word
Securing your WordPress website is necessary to ensure that only you have access to your website. You have various ways to ensure your website remains secure and out of harm’s way. You must keep your website updated and prevent potential hackers from gaining access. Remember the various methods discussed above and have your WordPress security-enhanced against intruders.