Where visitors come from and which articles they read, for example. With this data, this company can predict what sales will look like for the coming month.
Focus on The Changing Needs of Your Target Audience
With good marketing, you focus on the benefits of your product or service for the target group. In this corona time, these benefits may be slightly different than before.
Automate Your Marketing
Do you send almost the same email to your customers a few times a week? There is an excellent chance that you will save time and reach more customers by automating your marketing. For example:
Build Your Network
Too many entrepreneurs focus on direct business. In the long term, your reputation is essential. If you are known for something, people will approach you. That saves, for example, acquisition. So, it helps you enormously if you have an extensive network.
Set yourself a goal for your marketing communications on social media. For example, collect online email addresses of potential customers. Then, you build a relationship with those people.
Don’t just think of virtual networking through local business associations when you think of networking. Collaborating with other entrepreneurs on a specific theme is also an excellent way to expand your network. For example, I look at our supply chain to see how we can fight food waste together. It is interesting to see what other parties are doing and improve yourself. You can expand this further via Facebook and LinkedIn. There is always order.
Start With Your Acquaintances
Look especially at people who are already customers. Think about what else you can do for them. These people already know you; you don’t need to introduce yourself again, and they are familiar with your excellent service. Just now that you may be going through it for a while: dare to approach acquaintances, emphasizes. Not necessarily to sell products or services but to ask good customers, friends, and family to share something on social media.
Experiment and Duplicate Your Success
Repeat successful campaigns. That means testing, testing, and testing again. Do A/B tests, investigating which of 2 versions is most successful. For example, do you want to collect contact details? Then, change a sentence on your landing page, but the two variants live, and see which scores best. For example, make that sentence questioning so people think: ‘Do I need this?’ One sentence can sometimes make a difference of 10% of responses.
Don’t Save on Marketing
Experience shows that good marketing pays for itself. You may have to cut back considerably in this coronavirus era, but no marketing means fewer customers and less turnover. At the same time, your competitors may continue with their marketing activities.
Before you stop all campaigns, it is good to investigate what they have delivered. Following the previous tip, you’ll know which campaigns gave the most. Cut back on campaigns that were not or less successful.
Also, consider low-budget marketing, such as long-term search engine optimization and social media. Try to look ahead, beyond the coronavirus crisis.
Start Failing
When you first cycled, you probably didn’t like it. One learns by doing. Making mistakes is allowed. The trick is not to spend too long on a perfect first version. See what takes little time and what you can pick up quickly. That doesn’t have to be perfect right away. For example, on a white paper, you can completely write and design it, which might take a month. You can also run a campaign first. People who register will promise you a white paper in a month. You can also see which subjects are popular among your customers and which are not. Is there a need for a white paper?