Improving your credit score is among the most valuable investments you can make in your financial career. Your credit score will determine your eligibility for a student loan, auto loan, mortgage, or business loan. Your credit score is also essential when applying for insurance, rent, or even purchasing a cell phone. You can see the utility of having a good credit score almost everywhere. However, to improve your credit, you must take specific measures.
Track Credit Reports for Accuracy
Due to every lender associating the risk of lending a loan with a credit score, you must keep a close eye on yours. Credit reports are generated separately for each individual and are used as a common way to measure risk. Three major credit bureaus maintain three separate statements for your credit score. Your credit score from one bureau may differ from another, and there may be some inaccuracies. Check all credit reports at least once a year to file for discrepancies if there are any.
Develop a Financial Track Record to Improve Your Credit
You have a financial history and a specific credit score assigned to your name. However, you must establish a reliable and responsible financial track record to improve upon this. Whether you have paid off previous payments on time or maintained an old credit card account, all these factors will improve your credit. Older credit card accounts are usually a good sign as they demonstrate financial discipline on your behalf, and if you have made all payments in due time, your credit score will already be on the higher side.
Do Not Open Multiple Credit Cards at One Time
Maintaining a stable and consistent track record without anomalies is one way to keep a good credit score. Opening or closing multiple credit cards or other accounts may result in a hard inquiry on your credit report. This kind of behavior is not considered standard. The point is to avoid making impulsive financial decisions, which can make it hard for you to improve your credit further.
Pay Bills on Time
Paying off your bills in due time significantly contributes to a positive credit score. Utility bills, loan payments, and student loans should make up most of your bills. Recent payments are weighed more on your credit score. Even if you have missed a payment in the past, you can override it by making your most recent payments. Never miss a complete payment because it can stay on your credit report for seven years. Even if you have a small amount at hand, make sure you contribute something.
Enroll in an automatic payment plan with your service provider to improve your credit and prevent missing payments. Additionally, there are specific incentives for students to enroll in auto payments to pay a lower interest rate on their balance.
Avoid Constantly Switching Employers
Justifiably, this is not always possible. However, if you have the option and ability to retain a specific job, it is wise to seek good credit. Lenders like to see consistency in employment since a steady income means that you have a higher chance of succeeding with a payment. Retaining the same employer for five or more years will significantly improve your chances with lenders. Of course, this does not mean staying at a job you are unhappy at just to improve your credit. However, it is essential to remember that stable employment increases your credibility among lenders and reflects positively on your credit report.
Frequent residential changes and having judgments filed against you in court can seriously harm your credit score. For businesses, maintaining comprehensive bookkeeping records also improves your credit score.