A positive corporate culture is essential to the success of any company, large or small. While there are many factors in creating an excellent corporate culture, some elements are consistently found in all companies with a positive corporate culture. To ensure your company has a positive corporate culture, there are four key components on which to focus.
A positive corporate culture is first built on the company’s vision. The vision is laid out in a company’s mission statement. This statement will lay out the company’s goals and should be on the mind of every employee from CEO to receptionist. If every employee knows the company’s mission, it will promote confidence and understanding of what the overall goals are to help guide individual goals. This will be something you need to ensure is instilled in your employees through evaluations and conversations. The top of the pyramid of importance is the vision of the company so that everyone is striving towards the mission of the company every day.
A company’s values are the core of its culture. While a vision is a company’s mission, values are guidelines on the mindset and behaviors necessary to achieve company goals. Values communicate to everyone in the company how it treats employees and co-workers, serves clients, and upholds professional standards. The company’s values are based not only on the vision but also on the authenticity of the values presented. The values of a company can differ from the values of the individuals within the company. While you would encourage each person to be themselves, you need to make it clear that within the corporate culture of your company, while at work, everyone is expected to uphold the company values.
Company practices are how vision and values are put into use. If your company has a compelling vision statement and clearly defined values, if there is no action behind them, the corporate culture will be negative and cause a company to suffer or possibly fail. Whatever the vision and values are, they should be reflected in the policies and operations of the company. Vision and values mean nothing if they are not expressed through action set forth through company expectations of each position and the person holding it.
No company can have a positive corporate culture without people sharing the vision and values. The shared vision and values should be part of the recruiting and hiring process. To ensure the company’s corporate culture is positive, all new or seasoned employees must be on board with the core vision and values. Having this be part of the recruitment and hiring process helps with retention and reduces issues that can negatively impact the corporate culture. People stick with corporate cultures they like, and bringing on the right “culture carriers” through recruitment reinforces the culture a company already has. This attention to staffing will pay off when it comes to the company continuing to succeed through the vision and values it practices. And having such a positive corporate culture will promote productivity and high employee retention rates.
Of course, there are other factors that can influence a positive corporate culture. But these components provide a firm foundation for shaping a positive company corporate culture. A positive corporate culture promotes the retention of like-minded employees and has a strong impact on productivity, attendance, and promotion from within the company. Making sure every employee fits into the corporate culture by sharing the vision and the values and putting them into practice will guarantee overall company success.