Have you been thinking about changing your job or strengthening your skills to earn a better living? Whether you are currently employed or a job seeker, you have the possibility of engaging in professional retraining to best use your skills and abilities.
However, before reaching your full potential, it may be to undergo training. Some training programs help you complete your knowledge or develop specific skills. In contrast, other programs offer more comprehensive courses to acquire an entirely new diploma or learn a new profession. As such, choosing the training programs that suit your needs will require you to define your goals and find the necessary funding.
Professional Retraining, Changing Course
Retraining is a process that aims to change profession or change one’s professional status. According to a study, around 9 out of 10 people have considered retraining to define their career path further. Among those interviewed, 28% had already started the retraining process.
Various reasons prompt employees or job seekers to choose retraining: weariness at work, the realization of a life project, the exercise of the desired profession, obtaining a job stable, etc. In addition, changes in the professional world and new organizations tend to favor the adoption of retraining. Still, they can forget vocational training reforms and the aid offered to people who wish to take this path. Consequently, it is possible to follow a training course while being compensated or receiving a subsidy.
Undertaking professional retraining can be done at any time and at any age. Although the success of this retraining depends on several factors, age should not constitute an obstacle or deterring element. The resolve to pursue a dream, earn a living from your passion, or embrace a new vocation can be made at any age. Whatever your age, know that it is not too late to pursue your professional goals or begin a new career.
Professional Retraining
Deciding to retrain can be intimidating, so it is essential to follow certain steps before starting this process.
Take time to examine your motives for pursuing professional retraining. As yourself: Why do I want to change jobs? What are the professions that attract me? What are the areas in which I can evolve? Do I have the know-how, the knowledge, and the will to pursue my program? Self-reflection will help you determine your goals, eliminate options, and clarify your career path.
Potential Job Market
As part of your retraining, make sure that the chosen job is recruiting. Here, the challenge is to adapt your desires and wishes to the job market opportunities and choose a career area that is not saturating the market. As yourself: What are stable professions in the future? What are the areas that will be hiring when your retraining program is completed? What program will make you marketable to future employers?
Specialist Advice
Seeking career specialist advice and completing a skills assessment can help you analyze your skills set and define your professional trajectory. The skills assessment will make it easier to identify trades, fields, and careers that most closely match your skills, interests, and personality. It lasts 24 hours and takes place in 3 phases. In phase one, your consultant presents the objectives and the progress of your evaluation. Phase two is the investigation phase, during which you will have to take stock of all your achievements, expose your ambitions, and undergo several tests. Phase three is the last step of the synthesis.
During this phase, the consultant presents his conclusions and the steps to follow to implement your retraining.
Funding Mechanisms
Several options exist that can result in the partial or complete financing of your professional retraining. If you want to train in your current industry, explore options with your current employer. Some organizations will finance an advanced degree or certification program in exchange for additional years of employment. This option allows you to invest in your training, maintain your current employment and income, and secure future employment. If you want to change industries, you can also submit requests for professional training or additional funding to local and regional offices, including Regional or Departmental Council, City Council, etc.