Fear, insecurity, and self-doubt are the natural feelings people face when they think about starting something new. It’s a terrifying feeling. Entrepreneurs of all stages and kinds face some inner resistance.
Such resistance is not limited to new businesses. Anything significant that requires you to break out of a mold confronts inner resistance. Fear is a natural response to a threat, not limited to humans. Every person experiences some anxiety; that’s how we evolve. Fear creates real change in our minds and body. It can force us to run away, hide, and stop our actions. Fear is not always visible. It often surfaces in the shape of confrontation and, at times, in the form of avoidance or procrastination. Identifying the fear and not mixing it with other feelings is essential.
As an entrepreneur, pressures come from fear of the unknown, but pressure from peers and investors also plays its part. However, the most prominent pull comes from the challenge of proving it to yourself. A good entrepreneur is one who continually proves themself wrong.
Below, we have identified some key ways to counter some of the biggest hurdles that come our way when starting something new.
Set Realistic Targets – Overlook Your Hidden Perfectionist
If we look for one thing in common among all entrepreneurs who made it to the top, we will find that their ability to set goals sets them apart. Benjamin Franklin stated, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!”
Planning comes from setting realistic goals, not that you want to be a millionaire – that’s not a goal; it’s a wish. Start by finding out your business’s ultimate objective. Then, divide it into smaller achievable chunks that can serve as stepping stones. Most entrepreneurs are considered perfectionists; you must understand that not everything needs to be perfect. Throughout your journey, you will pick up many ideas that will bring you closer to perfection – but for that, you need to start doing. Also, Bookkeeping is a good habit; establish it from day one to effectively measure your progress.
The Constructive Attributes of Fear
Fear allows us to evolve, so it can’t be all bad. Fear is a survival instinct, and our natural concerns are rudimentary. We fear to fall. We fear deafening sounds. These are deep-rooted responses that prepare us for something dangerous. So, how does fear help in business? Nurture it and use it to identify sensitive points that can put the existence of your business in danger. Once fear points are identified, develop your business plan around it. The critical thing here is balance, and that’s not limited to fear only. Everything we do instinctively serves a purpose. Find that purpose and use it for your benefit.
Find Your Ideal
Think of someone who you admire in your related field. Once you’ve identified someone who ceaselessly inspires you, you will discover specific examples from their experiences that match your needs. This match will bring much-needed motivation, and we all need encouragement. This motive is based on facts and not on soft dialogues.
Look for yourself in other successful entrepreneurs because there is always ‘One’ like you. Learn from their experiences and mistakes.
Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way
It’s crucial to understand that failure isn’t the end when setting off on a new endeavor. You don’t fail in business. Either you succeed, or you learn. The most successful business owners have failed enterprises in their past, but that fact didn’t dim their success. If anything, it made success a lot sweeter.
Moreover, from our experience, we can tell you with 100% surety that there is no other way to learn than to learn on the job. You will never start if you plan to wait for a perfect moment or when you’re comfortable.
Uncomfortable is good. Embrace it, love it, nurture it. It pushes you to be better and fuels your inner hunger to learn. If you’re easily content, you will be left behind really quickly. Don’t dread the fear; use it to bring out the best possible version of your business and yourself.