Monopolies over a specific product, market, or production characteristic are known as good or economically worthy when free-market struggle would be financially incompetent. It would be best to control the price to buyers, or risk and high entry costs prevent initial investment from being an essential sector.
Monopolies make it harder for other businesses to prosper or even function. Many reasons add up and create a business into a monopoly, but the main factor is ‘competition.’
Let’s dive in to find out more about how a business becomes a monopoly.
What is monopoly
A monopoly comes from two terms. ‘Mono’ means sole, and ‘Poly’ means retailer. Monopoly directs to a market where one company or group of companies is combined with a regulator over product supply.
A market structure is branded by a single owner who sells a unique product in the market. The seller faces zero competition through the monopoly market, being the only seller of the goods with no other substitute. The seller enjoys the control of setting whatever price he wishes for his goods.
Types of monopolies
A simple monopoly company charges an unvarying price for its products sold to all the purchasers. While A fair and straightforward monopoly operates in a single market, a discriminating monopoly company charges different prices for the same product to buyers and operates in more than one market.
Another type of monopoly is “legal monopoly,” which means that anybody can receive or acquire a monopoly because of legal provisions in the country.
When a monopoly happens because of natural causes, it is known as a Natural monopoly. Today India has got a monopoly in mica production, and Canada has got a monopoly.
How does a business become a monopoly?
In simple words, a company is known as a monopoly when the product it offers is a hundred times better than its closest substitute—leading you and your company far from your competitors. Hence, they control their market and customers.
Probably the easiest way to make your business a monopoly is by having exclusive rights to provide services or goods granted by the government.
Market power
Market power is the capability to increase the product’s price above peripheral cost without losing customers. Perfectly competitive (PC) companies have no market power when it’s time to set the prices. All the companies in the PC market are price takers.
The interface of demand and supply sets the price at the marketplace or an aggregate level. Solo companies take the price determined by the market and make that quantity of production that extends the company’s revenues.
If a PC company attempts to increase the prices above the market, all its customers would leave the company and buy from the market price from other companies. Although a monopoly has considerable market power but is not unlimited, a monopoly can set prices and quantities.
The downside of monopolies
Monopolies are great for some companies that enjoy the benefits of private markets with zero competition. People consuming monopolies usually find out that they pay unjustifiably high prices for more minor or everyday quality goods.
The inability to compete with monopolies can be a struggle to start a new business; that’s why monopolies can equally be problematic for everyone.
Monopolies that the government makes usually protect consumers, whereas monopolies created by private organizations are designed to help eliminate competition and increase profits. If just one company handles or controls a service or product completely, then that company can charge consumers any price it wishes.
In conclusion
Under a market of monopoly, new firms can’t enter freely because of a lot of reasons like a huge capital requirement, government license & regulations, economies of scale, and complex technology. These are economic barriers that restrict the entry of new firms.
The stakes are higher than ever, and the desire to create a monopoly will continue to exist, for better or worse.