How Can I Drive Traffic to My Website

Drive Traffic to My Website - Complete Controller

Navigating the world of social network brand management certainly presents its challenges, but it also offers boundless opportunities to amplify our message and connect with our audience. Embracing social networks is a pivotal step in fortifying our online presence and embracing the exhilarating challenges it brings. A particularly exciting challenge is directing traffic from Facebook to our website or blog to enhance conversions. Today, I am thrilled to delve into innovative ideas that can substantially boost Facebook traffic and enhance engagement. I am firmly optimistic that these strategies will propel us toward our objectives and cultivate a vibrant online community. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Bet for the Content

The content will be the key to generating a lot of Facebook traffic to your website. Still, basically, besides leaving resources, I will give you recommendations based on my own experience:

  • Create expectations whenever you can without going too far because disappointment can be worse than having little traffic.

Get your audience to try the candy, but do not give it away. Let me explain, share the beginning of something exciting, and tell them to go to the web for more. On my page, it’s as if I publish the graphic of how remarketing works, and I say in the text that they go to my blog to learn more about this technique.

Do Remarket Campaigns

Let me define marketing for those who have yet to become familiar with it.

Remarketing is a technique for re-attracting users who have already visited your website by showing interest in something you offer.

With the remarketing campaigns, we can target exactly people who have shown previous interest. CorpNet. Start A New Business Now This helps us take our clients directly to perform the action that we usually want to make a payment. Many advertising platforms allow remarketing. Facebook is one of them. Try this format, and then you’ll tell me how it went. To import the audience of your website, you have to go to Facebook Ads and configure it

Create Promotions on Your Website

Instead of creating a contest or drawing on Facebook, take it directly to your website, forget the tabs with the social network, and do the same promotion to increase fans and capture data from your website. With Blonder, my online contests and sweepstakes startup, you can do this in a matter of minutes, and the first one is free for you to try.

Learn to Write on Facebook

It is no-nonsense; to get the attention of our audience, we have to know how to write them according to each channel; below my recommendations:

  • Use a personal tone

Rather than stating, “Schedugram, the tool to schedule photos on Instagram,” try saying, “Explore the tool that empowers you to schedule photos on Instagram.” By doing so, you guide the reader to discover the tool via your website, increasing engagement and interaction. Don’t forget to always encourage comments from your followers in your posts. Stay positive and keep the conversation going!

If You Offer Something Downloadable, You Will Have to Highlight It

If tomorrow I want to announce that I have published a new e-book, instead of using an image, link, or text, I will create a more attractive graphic that shows an e-book with arrows down to incentivize the download further. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

Highlight Sharing on Your Blog

If you have a brand blog, always highlight the share buttons so your readers share it on Facebook, and you’ll get them to take you back to your website

Tune Your Fan Page

In the description of your page, always try to include direct links to your website. I remind you that Facebook positions pages very well in Google, so if your site is not well known among the first results, the fan page can probably drive traffic to your website.

Another thing you have to do is add all the images and links you upload to your website so you can take advantage of the opportunity to carry traffic.

Cubicle to Cloud virtual business About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault