Key Concepts and Brief Explanation
International Trade
According to industry experts, international trade exchanges goods, services, and capital across international boundaries. Whatever you trade with other nations brings significant returns, representing a substantial share of GDP (Gross Domestic Product).
It is a vital source of income for developing countries that allow them to improve their country’s infrastructure, facilities, communication, distribution channels, low per capita income, low literacy rate, low rates of capital investments, low wages, high interest rates, technology, and overall social, political, and economic conditions.
The Contribution of International Trade
International trade has long existed in one form or another through essential trade routes like the Silk Road, Amber Road, Uttarapatha, Atlantic slave trade, salt roads, etc. So, it’s unsurprising that a more extensive trade transit system has developed and been established over the years. Americans leading from the front have based their currency to the extent that now trades worldwide are dollars. The bigger picture is advanced technology, industrialization, globalization, convenient transportation, outsourcing, and multinationals, which have all significantly brought international trade to the top.
Dependency on International Trade
In today’s economy, domestic trade cannot balance economic growth. It would help if you looked for alternate ways to balance demand and supply optimally. No country on earth is sufficient to produce everything needed for its economy. So, it becomes necessary for every economy to get involved in international trade to fulfill their needs. It indicates that countries now depend on each other to meet their needs on a massive scale. Some key areas where international trading is mainly done are petroleum, automobiles, medication, gold, technology, telecommunication services, insulated wires/cables, petroleum gases, jewelry, machinery, food items, agriculture, and more.
Multinational Activity
Multinational organizations are the major driving forces behind successful transnational activities. Sharing information, knowledge, expertise, and innovative techniques for handling business and trade activities has intensified organizations’ growth potential across international borders and territories by making healthy or savvy investments. The exchange of ideas, goods, services, and capital across MNCs has enabled companies to increase their overall performance and productivity. Multinational activity and international trade go hand in hand, as both are healthy for a country’s economic growth and development. Sometimes, they may be used interchangeably, but both keep the economic and financial equation positive—if done correctly.
Multinational Activity Builds the Economy
Multinational organizations engage in FDI (foreign direct investment) and operate in multiple countries. They have better control over market knowledge, research activities, management, and financial resources since they have insights into every economy they operate in. For example, Unilever is one MNC that owns over 400 brands with products available in more than 190 countries and has billions of dollars in annual sales. MNCs have been strengthening global transfers, ensuring international economic development, and deepening globalization on a massive scale. MNCs have played their part in developing ties and building strong relationships with all the financial stakeholders: government institutions, corporate legal advisors, corporate workforce, customers, etc.
Acquisitions and Mergers
International trade and multinational activity have grown exponentially within the domestic and foreign corporate framework because MNCs have created and purchased new subsidiaries in host economies through mergers and acquisitions. Looking at the bigger picture, MNCs have also ensured the influx of foreign capital into home economies, which means the GDP of developing countries has increased significantly. Also, they have provided employment opportunities to people, which has helped reduce crimes or unethical activities.
Improved Infrastructure and Corporate Processes
According to studies, MNCs have also improved the home economy’s infrastructure to a great extent. The overall economic and financial equation has become favorable, especially for developing countries. The increased international trade and multinational activity have even helped local companies to go global to be a more significant segment of the corporate game—perhaps for reaping financial gains.
Corporate Finance
In simplest terms, corporate finance consists of financial activities related to running an organization. It deals in money-related matters, generally known as finances, necessary for any corporation’s survival and growth. The sources of funding and capital structure of corporations must be ensured by finance and bookkeeping departments in any organization for the smooth flow of business operations. Corporate finance experts worldwide have derived different definitions of corporate financing, but few have summed it up nicely. Corporate financing’s primary goal is to maximize a shareholder’s value, and that’s what every organization aims at when looking at the broader context.
Summing Up – International Trade, Multinational Activity, Corporate Finance
These macro-level concepts bear immense importance in corporate financing and economics. The trade between countries has significantly helped organizations expand their businesses and become a part of the giant corporate game. Capital is the heart and soul of any organization, without which a company can’t survive. The sources of capital funding are broad. It depends on US policies and the organization’s policies from where to acquire the financing. Since MNCs operate in many countries, they can pool their resources from several economies and deploy them elsewhere. To create a perfect balance in credit requirements, MNCs must play smartly and closely monitor changing local or global market dynamics.
Closing Thoughts
MNCs must manage their international trade, multinational activity, and corporate finance to impact whatever economy they enter. Since the ultimate goal is to achieve success and increase stakeholder value, a unique plan with a clear execution strategy will help you achieve whatever you intend to.