Successful project management is more than just maintaining an orderly list of resources and activities. To remain ahead of the curve, you must be familiar with the industry’s newest project management tools and methods. That is why we talked with many professionals to ascertain their predictions for project management trends in 2021 and beyond.
Identifying the trend is only helpful to a point, and just spewing buzzwords is much less useful. This article delves into the implications of this trend for project management—as well as practical steps you can take to react quickly to significant changes in our technology, work culture, and society at large.
Whether you’re a trend follower or a little more traditional, you need to be aware of emerging project management trends and how they may affect your team’s customers and strategy.
Reliance on Digital and Remote Teams Increased
As with other sectors, project management is no longer constrained by the boundaries of a traditional workplace. Digital and remote teams are more prevalent now than ever before due to various reasons, including increased connection, shifting business ideals, and the gig economy’s growth.
While remote work was already increasing in popularity, the advent of the Coronavirus pandemic precipitated an extraordinary change. To safeguard employees and contain the virus’ transmission, businesses worldwide have implemented new work-from-home rules that prioritize digital communication over face-to-face contact. Up to half of American employees already telecommute, and this trend is expected to continue long after the epidemic has passed, posing new difficulties for project managers.
Placement of a High Premium on Soft Skills
While project managers must possess specific analytical and organizational abilities to succeed in their jobs, their work does not stop completing project scope and budget papers. At the heart of their job is an appreciation for people and knowing how to manage them effectively. As a result, acquiring a compelling set of “soft skills” may be just as critical as developing the discipline’s traditional “hard talents.”
Project teams that work remotely
Many companies are reducing the size of their core internal project teams while increasing their dependence on remote project experts. These employees do not need to be physically present in the same place because of digital technologies. Indeed, people may operate remotely in virtual teams from anywhere on the globe. This has several advantages, not the least of eliminating travel, logistical, and other administrative expenses. These successful virtual teams must use practical communication tools such as Slack, Google Hangouts, and effective project management software.
Emotionally Intelligence
With technology playing a more significant role in project management, the need for project managers with a high degree of emotional intelligence is rising. These are individuals who are renowned for extracting maximum performance from themselves and their team members. They possess excellent interpersonal skills and demonstrate empathy and inspire people to create a more effective result. It is a skill that companies and recruiters for project management place a premium on.
Decision-Making Will Be Improved Through Data Analytics
Project management teams may use data analytics to transform complex project data into meaningful insights. Data-driven analytics may help project managers detect patterns and trends and make more informed choices.
At a high level, data analytics enables teams to assess the effectiveness of various procedures across many projects, influencing their overall strategy. Managers may also benefit from data insights by detecting weak connections, analyzing workload across teams, and determining which skill sets to seek recruits.
The Complications of the Project Will Rise
Data analytics will aid in the refinement and improvement of project management procedures. On the other hand, having access to this wealth of fresh data insight always results in more complicated, nuanced project requirements. Project managers will have to have more agility than ever before.
Historically, project managers have chosen and implemented a project methodology at the start of the project. While methods such as Waterfall and Scrum have proven excellent for well-defined projects, teams tend to lose sight of their objectives when projects grow unmanageable.
With enough foresight, it’s simple to see that the next year will be filled with changes—both dramatic and gradual. And, as a rule, avoid resisting change; instead, develop, rethink, reorganize, and update your project management systems and procedures to ensure that you not only survive but flourish throughout the impending shakeup.