With so many forced to work at home and start their businesses, there is a lot of concern about financing a business venture or small business. Looking at ways to finance a business is nothing new, but crowdlending is still a fairly recent form of getting your business or idea financed.
People are finding ways to earn money by not aligning with an organization with the help of the internet and opting to be self-employed. Especially in 2020, where COVID-19 changed the world of business, many people were forced out of work. This unemployment pushed more people to start their businesses or become freelancers.
Last year was the year of crowdlending. Financially speaking, the shortage of credit that undermines the competitiveness of the autonomous and small companies has further sharpened the ingenuity and even more alternative financing formulas for which SMEs opt and entrepreneurs, such as crowdlending.
Crowdlending is another collective financing formula in which individuals are giving and receiving business loans, generally from online platforms. The main difference of this financing model compared to crowdfunding is that, in the second, individuals invest in social capital, obtaining shares of the company. In the first, the financing is carried out in the form of a loan.
What are the conditions of crowdlending loans?
In this credit system, the investors themselves, the individuals, decide the amount they will lend and the interest rate. If a company receives many financing requests, it can choose between those that offer less interest. At the end of the financing period, each individual will receive the requested interest.
The philosophy that revolves around this financing model is to provide individuals with the power to decide what type of projects they invest in. Thanks to the online platforms from which the investment is made, transparent information is offered on what activities the money invested is used.
Although it has gained ground, it is a developing formula in our country in which it is necessary to consider some aspects. It has been, precisely, the concept of transparency, of connection between the investor and the company in the online environment and, especially, through the use of social networks, which has made this formula gain positions in recent months.
However, it should be remembered that crowdlending platforms are not within the deposit guarantee fund. If the company in which it has invested fails, the individual will have difficulty recovering the investment.
However, the platforms that manage this type of financing carefully select the projects that will become part of them, reducing the default rate to 2%. In comparison, the delinquency in banking is more than 10%.
How has crowdlending evolved?
Crowdlending or the P2P lending system initially provided credit access to people who could get spurned by conventional institutions. It was also a way to consolidate student loans with a more favorable interest rate.
However, in recent years, crowdlending has substantially increased its reach. Many target consumers who wish to pay off their credit card debt or even students at a good, lowered interest rate. Moreover, they can also pay off home improvement loans as well as auto financing loans as well.
Not to mention the advent of modern-day websites, which has improved ways to improve crowdlending practices. It also opened up opportunities for freelancers to provide services individually. It’s also a blessing in disguise for consumers; because of the lowered service cost and improved service quality.
However, before you opt for acquiring freelance crowdlending services, you need to keep a few things in mind. Whichever consumer or investor using a P2P lending site should observe the fees on transactions; every site or professionals sets money differently. Still, commissions may be charged to the lender or borrower.
It works similarly to banks, where they charge late fees, loan origination fees, and bounced-payment fees extensively. All in all, if you want to improve your credit score or just rid yourself of a hefty student loan, crowdlending is how you should go about it.
And with freelance services in the frame, you have ample opportunities to expand your horizons and become debt-free. Remember, the world provides you opportunities, and you have to make the most out of it.