When online trading was launched back in 1999, it didn’t catch traders’ attention, and its progress was slow and delayed. The acceptance of the process was also at a snail’s pace. The reason for this wasn’t much far as the markets were still fluctuating, and investors weren’t quite aware of the risks associated with online trading.
Brokers were more concerned about online trading swallowing traditional trade offline, but a lot has changed since then. The brokers are now more focused on shifting towards online trading as it comes with lots of benefits like ease, scalability, and time-saving. Here’s everything you need to know about becoming an online trader.
What must every online trader understand?
Given below are four important points that every online trader must understand in place of its offline equivalent. With the change in market trends, the online trading present here is to stay for good.
Online trading is easy and simple
The very first thing that online trading offers is its simplicity and sophistication. It takes off the investor’s burden to walk to the nearest broker’s office to deposit cash, collecting payment, or even need of calling the dealer to make a trade.
With online trading, everything becomes easily manageable from the comfort of an investor’s house. Online trading can be easily accessed from an individual’s laptop or PC, having a stable internet connection. With the era of smartphones, an investor can manage trade while on the move. In this era of technology, everything from the trading account, bank account to a debit account can be handled easily from a single platform. All this is what makes online trading so easy and appropriate.
Online gives greater transparency for trade
Online trading is great due to the transparency it offers. In traditional trading, when an investor gets in contact with his broker and requests to place an order, a waiting period comes in the way after which an investor is unaware of the order. All this hectic is taken away with online trading. An online trader can order the way it seems fit and check it in the order book for updates, get rough information about the transaction from the investor’s online trade book and further analyze the shares and other company actions.
Additionally, with the electronic contract notes, the fuss of physically noting down everything is saved. An online trader also gets the ease of acquiring capital gains statements online from the trading account.
Lower cost on operating meaning lower broker charges
The reason behind lower brokerage rates in the past few years is the cost-saving on online trading. Online trading is a one-time investment for any broker, which ultimately results in lower costs on operations and maintenance, which is much lower than functioning with an army of employees. Such lower costs are transferred to the consumers, which is fruitful for any investor.
Quotes all the security risks associated with trading
Security risks aren’t discussed properly when an individual goes through offline trading. However, an individual is still required to sign the Debit Instruction Slips and sign a check to proceed with the trading process. In comparison, the concept is a lot opposite in online trading. In online trading, a lot of focus is towards making the system safe and secure, and online security enhancement should be the number one priority for any online trader.
An online trading individual works on his account’s security to make it less accessible by others, which can be done by upgrading hardware and software daily and keeping anti-malware and anti-virus software up to date. Another way to keep the online trading account safe is by limiting the account’s access from unsecured Wi-Fi networks and cyber cafes.