Individual citizens must pay taxes if they have a land plot, real estate, a car, or another vehicle. Accruals are sent by the tax authorities annually from April to October. The billing period is the previous calendar year. You must make payments by December 1 of the same year. If you have not paid your taxes on time, you will face various types of liability for all this.
What Taxes Are There?
- Transport tax: tax for cars, motorcycles, scooters, buses, and other self-propelled machines and mechanisms, as well as airplanes, helicopters, motor ships, yachts, sailing ships, boats, snowmobiles, motorboats, jet skis, non-self-propelled (towed vessels) and other water and air vehicles duly registered under the legislation of the Russian Federation.
- Property tax: a tax on a residential building, apartment, garage, parking space, construction, other buildings, or structures.
- Land tax: tax is levied on individuals who own land plots based on the right of ownership, permanent (unlimited) use, or the right of lifetime inheritable possession.
- Personal income tax (PIT): a tax on income received by individuals from the sale of property owned for less than three years; from the lease of property: on income from sources outside; on revenue in the form of various kinds of winnings; for other income.
There are also special taxes for individuals:
- Fees for using objects of aquatic biological resources – a tax paid by individuals engaged in particular or unique water use (water withdrawal from water bodies with and without water withdrawal for hydropower, rafting, etc.).
- Fees for using objects of the animal world – a tax paid by individuals who have received, per the established procedure, a license for the benefit of things of the animal world on the territory.
When Do You Need to Pay Taxes?
Except for personal income tax, all tax charges are calculated by the Federal Tax Service on their own, and they send you a notification by mail from April to October. The deadline for paying taxes of individuals (property, land, transport) ends on December 1, and then the accrual of penalties begins. Regarding personal income tax, the taxpayer must submit a declaration of income for the previous year by April 30 (in 2018 – until May 3 due to the postponement) and pay before July 15.
How to Find Out the Tax Debt by TIN and Pay Without Queues and Receipts?
We recommend that you check and pay your tax debts via the Internet. Entering the TIN (individual taxpayer number) or UIN (unique tax accrual number) is enough. Any bank card is suitable for payment – Visa / MasterCard / MIR. After payment, Creditors will send payment details to you by e-mail. NALOGI.ONLINE also allows you to subscribe to notifications of new tax debts. When the information enters the state GIS GMP system, you will immediately receive an e-mail or SMS notification. This notification
How Quickly Are Paid Taxes Recorded in the Federal Tax Service?
The State Information System on State and Municipal Payments (GIS GMP), through which information is exchanged, deletes information about your debt only when confirmed by the Federal Tax Service. The tax authority’s data processing can take 2 to 4 weeks, even though the money usually arrives at the Treasury the next day after payment.
What to Do if Charges Seem Incorrect to You?
Together with the tax notice and payment documents for the payment of personal property tax, transport, and land taxes, you receive an application form, which is used if inaccuracies or false information about a land plot, vehicle, apartment, or other property in the tax notice. We advise you to submit the completed application to the tax office in person and send it to the tax office by mail or electronically through the Federal Tax Service website.
Who is Exempt From Paying Taxes?
Different types of taxes imply exemption from their payment to various categories of citizens. But most often, the following are exempted from paying taxes:
- Pensioners
- Heroes of the USSR
- Participants of the Great Patriotic War and other hostilities
- Disabled people of groups I or II, as well as disabled since childhood
- Service members and family members of service members in case of loss of a breadwinner
- Persons exposed to radiation as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site, the disaster at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, as well as at the Mayak production association, etc.
What Happens if You Don’t Pay Taxes on Time?
If you have not paid the tax on time, penalties will begin to accrue from the first day of delay, based on the calculation of 1/300 of the refinancing rate. It is 0.02% per day.
Perhaps this is the most important thing you should know about taxes. Pay them on time!
We wish you financial well-being!