Novel branding is the most challenging problem for an individual, raising your author profile and lifting your book above the vast competition. Expecting to gain more exposure, you’re still already using a dozen or more tools and tactics, and then someone drops the word ‘brand’ into the conversation.
Indeed, it would help if you didn’t waste your time on false publicity.
But there you go, you’ve got a brand already! Whether you like it or not, even though you’ve never given it a single thought, you’ve already branded yourself. Additionally, you have a powerful and identifiable brand that reflects how you imagine your writing grabs the reader’s attention and grabs them to read your novel.
A genuine brand of an author will make you stand out from the audience and give you the attention you desire.
Identify the Brand
The brand is all that individuals understand. It’s your character, each word you compose, the text styles and shadings you use, and how you cause individuals to feel when they read your books or visit your site.
Numerous people think a brand is a brand to a logo or site tones. Although these are brand components, a brand is significantly more than merely these realistic points of view.
A brand is a predictable guarantee to a client about what they will get, regarding item quality, client support, the limit from there, and how they will be unique from the competitors.
When you begin constructing a stage (author platform) and putting yourself out into the world, individuals will feel your identity and what you do and structure an assessment based on that.
Whether you’ve never intentionally thought about which ones to use on your site, the ones you’re presently utilizing are saying something about you.
So it’s wise to assume responsibility for your image and assist individuals with accepting the things you need them to get about you as a creator before they reach their analysis.
Recognize the Reader
When you write about the audience, try to learn as much as you can about the reader, mainly the age group you are targeting. You should see the reader’s personas, so you must write according to your target audience’s interests and brand your novel.
Characterizing your ideal reader can require some investment and effort, yet it will be justified despite any trouble. When you find out about them, where they go on the web, and their favorite tone, you can effectively address them in such a way that they will like.
Develop Your Brand Voice
When you know whom your brand is attempting to address, it’s an ideal opportunity to examine yourself internally.
- How would you need others to see you?
- What do you need individuals to think when they hear your name?
You can direct much of this by building up your unique brand voice. Similarly, as finding your author’s voice can require some investment and rehearsal and be hard to recognize from the outset, setting up a steady brand voice will take some effort.
You get the thought. If you generally post motivational and inspirational content, it would be ‘off-brand’ to out of your tone. The audience who follow you doesn’t read or even load your content.
To build up your voice, consider your qualities seriously and what you need to address.
Find Out Your USPS
Knowing your USP or unique selling point is fundamental if you need to tell the audience why they should purchase your books. How are you unique? If you’re a sentiment author, what makes you diverse to the wide range of various sentiment authors? There are shows to follow regarding classification composing and cover plan, yet past that, what makes you stand out?
- Do you realize why individuals read your books?
- Is it the nature of the composition, your solid characters, or your superb pacing?
- What are your novel qualities?
- If you think it’s hard to tell what is considered a strength, ponder what you love about a different author. Do you share any of those characteristics?
The general appearance is the part that the vast majority reflect when considering the brand. It includes the shading range, designs, clear prompts, photographs, and typeface.
While picking a search for your image, there’s no need to be excessive or to pay significantly for it; make sure to be predictable.
Pick textual styles and tones that help your image, voice, and message. For instance, if you’re a horror novel author, you may think about dark tones for your site.