Project Management Mastery

Undertaking a project can be difficult and risky at times. Regarding project management, more work is required with little error. Once a project starts, it is best to complete it regardless of how many obstacles come. It is unlike a roller coaster ride where things can go down and rise again. Starting a project is one thing, but completing it is more important. It would be best not to start the project without doing proper homework.

Think about it – would you like to return to the drawing board whenever something goes wrong in the project? Probably not, and with the thought in mind, it is best to start with the basics and plan the task properly. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

The following will help you close the project without running into trouble from start to finish.

Conceiving the Concept

The first thing you should think about is conceiving the project. As an employee, it is your responsibility to come up with ideas for starting the project. You should also be aware of the basics of project management. If not, it is best to ask the administration to hand it to someone better at it. The administration will save the company time and resources.

The concept must not be random and baseless. To create the structure, you must realize the requirements before planning the project. Is there a need for the project? Conceiving a project is like how an artist starts a new painting. Before putting the brush on the canvas, he thinks about what to make and how to do it. The project manager goes through similar feelings. Whatever you need the project for, give it enough time and thought.

Check Resources

Always make sure to have enough resources in hand before deciding to go ahead with the project. Otherwise, you might run into trouble, and the company will suffer losses. Losses will not go well for you or the company. Discussing resources with the higher-ups and finance officers, if needed, would be best. A discussion will help you realize how many resources are available and how to use them.CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Scarcity of resources can also become a problem, especially if you have only half completed the project. A lack of resources and finances might force you to abandon or cap the project midway. Would it not help if you thought about the project and asked about resources at the first stage?

Communicate with Team

There is a possibility that you are not the only person involved with the project. You are a part of a team that is keeping everything on track. The project management team must ensure that everything stays in control. You must keep in touch with the team and inquire about things at every stage. The more the team communicates, the more chances that the project will conclude successfully. Pay attention to communication and stay in touch at least until completion. Discuss different aspects of the project and ways to overcome obstacles during the project. Overcoming trials will help the team to avoid problems that may arise during the project.

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Sharing Work

Every team member brings something new to the team. Each team member brings a skill and ability that helps in completing the project. As the team leader, it is up to you to share the work among team members based on their skills and skillset. This technique will also increase the possibility of closing the project well before the deadline. Imagine the appreciation and honor you and the team will receive from the higher management for completing the project successfully before the deadline.

Document Everything

Every project stage is worth documenting, so do the basics and check everything at each location. Writing the progress of the project will help you in two ways. Firstly, you can always check and correct if something went wrong during the project. Secondly, it will provide you with a complete record of the different stages of the project. This evidence will go into the company’s record books and libraries. Later, the company might also use it to compare this project with previous ones.

 It will show your team’s project management skills and validate your credentials as a team leader.

ADP. Payroll – HR – BenefitsAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Affiliate Marketing 101

Are you a beginner in the field of affiliate marketing or performance marketing? To get started properly, you must be aware of some crucial facts. When it comes to the definition of performance marketing, you can refer to it as a process. In performance marketing, companies and celebrities choose influencers to promote their products and services. The influencer gets a profit upon each sale. You might be thinking about why a company uses a performance marketing strategy to promote its products and services. One should keep certain benefits of affiliate or performance marketing in mind.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

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Increase in Sales

If your influencer has a huge fan following, it can increase sales overnight. If your chosen influencer is quite famous, you can market your product to thousands. Therefore, it depends on the influencer you choose for your product and service promotion.

Network Expansion 

Working with different influencers can help you expand your network and get the opportunity to build connections with more exciting people. If a renowned influencer promotes your products and services, you will also get the chance to work with other popular influencers and celebrities. These kinds of partnerships are beneficial for both influencers and companies. Influences usually prefer working with companies that pay them time and make them feel worthy, resulting in long-lasting professional relationships.

A Personalized Way 

In affiliate marketing, influencers choose to market a product and service in their way and use any method to promote it. However, the company can give them some basic guidelines regarding hashtags, pictures, or videos to promote them better. It is a more personalized product and service promotion way because it includes influencers’ opinionsviews, and experiences regarding the product and service.

More Affordable Than Regular Marketing

Another benefit of affiliate or performance marketing is that it is affordable compared to traditional marketing. Working with a single person versus the whole team results in cost reduction. If you are working on a billboard, you may require a group of people with different specialties.

Conversely, influencers use their way and content to promote a product or service. Therefore, a single picture or video in their feed can increase sales. These benefits of performance marketing make a company’s profile stand out.Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Consider the following aspects before embarking on an affiliate marketing venture.

Money Investment 

While starting performance marketing, many companies think they only need to pay the influencers. However, it’s not the way how performance marketing works. Performance marketing is not free initially; you need to spend some money in advance.

First and foremost, the point is to ask your promoters or influencers. Usually, influencers ask for a certain percentage of the sales they make. You can either offer them a discount code or fix a percentage for them.

You are obliged to give your influencers the products they have promoted for you for free. Covering all the expenses may increase your costs, but it can build a long-lasting professional partnership with your influencers and promoters.   

In addition to this, you can sponsor specialized ads on specific platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, etc. If your promoter runs an Instagram page, you can support your product post, which will appear in the feed of other Instagram users.

So, you don’t have to worry about the money investment initially, as the increased sales will return your money.Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Use a Business Banking Account 

At the start of affiliate marketing, ensure you don’t use a similar account for your personal and business expenses. Even if your company’s size is small, operate a separate bank account to fulfill your business needs. Your payment arrangement will be more straightforward with different bank accounts.

Keep Track of the Future Taxes

While starting performance marketing, consider your future expenses, including taxes, promoters’ payments, etc. For your business to run smoothly, don’t forget to keep some money aside for future investment.

Every country has varying tax obligations, so. Depending on your country, you must make a budget plan before entering the affiliate marketing business. You will result in the smooth functioning of the company and highlight the profitable areas.

Global Coverage 

Your influencers don’t need to be from the same place; they can be from different parts of the world. Working with a team of affiliate marketers and influencers can result in the global coverage of your products and services.

Design an Affiliate Marketing Strategy 

Before entering any partnership, choose the products you want to promote and the amount of money you want to invest in your affiliate program. Affiliate marketing for beginners needs to be specific and result-oriented, which can only be done with an effective strategy.  

Keep your affiliate marketing strategy organized and prioritize the products and services you want to promote. Your business can earn more using the powers of exemplary promoters. These facts make affiliate marketing relatively easy to manage for beginners.

ADP. Payroll – HR – BenefitsAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

HR: Positive Workplace

Your employees are essential to your business. They work to generate profits and revenues so that your business can continue and grow at a steady yet profitable pace.

The human resources manager plays a vital role in human resources management to maintain confidence, hard work, and a positive workplace environment. They are the key personnel who care for your employees, providing them with a safe and productive environment to work.

The HR manager can either cause an employee to leave the workplace environment or help them fall in love with their work. If you are an HR manager and are looking for steps to manage your human resources efficiently, here are some we enlisted for you.ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Communicate Politely

There are better approaches than screaming and asking your employees to complete the work. Screaming eventually demotivates your employees, affecting a team’s work productivity and the overall business.

Open communication with your employees is always a great approach. As a human resources manager, consider it your employees’ duty to be a part of your family. Keep the communication polite. If you want to ask them to do something, communicate in a not harsh way.

Always remember to be an approachable source rather than employees deviating from you or the job.

Allow Employees to Explore Their Potential

The human resources department often interviews employees and assigns them a designation. Managers who work with these employees do not understand their potential.

As a good human resource manager, it is your duty to allow your employees to do what they think they can do, to spread their wings and reach their potential.

You might not know what surprises they would have in store for you. Always allow them to spread their wings!CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Encourage and Nurture Teamwork

We all know that teamwork is the dreamwork.’ However, most employees, especially human resources managers, were previously discouraged by the idea. Today, as workplaces adapt to the easy-to-go environment, they encourage teamwork.

It is not just a one-person play. As a human resources manager, feel it your duty to encourage the managers to place their team best. When you nurture teamwork, everything goes smoothly. One employee’s weakness becomes another employee’s strength, increasing creativity and efficiency in a business.

Appreciate and Reward

When you do something palpable, and nobody appreciates you, you feel bad, don’t you?

A similar case is the case with employees if they are not appreciated.

As a human resources manager, you must understand that customer retention keeps dropping when companies do not appreciate employee’s hard work. It creates a bad reputation for your company, which discourages potential candidates and limits the creativity level that an employee possesses.

Remember to always recognize your employees’ abilities, reward them with what they deserve, and help them grow in the workplace.

Understand That Employees Can Make Mistakes Too

Often, human resources managers fail to realize that employees are also humans who can make mistakes. If you see your employees making mistakes, always encourage them to do their best.

If you feel they are disturbed or need space, talk it out. Be like family to them. Correct their mistakes and make sure they enjoy doing their work.

When you learn to accept their flaws, they will eventually want to deliver their best, and so will they!

LastPass – Family or Org Password VaultConfront When You Feel There is a Need

When several employees work together, disputes will arise.

Never confront in front of other employees. Make sure to do it professionally, eventually conducting your duty in interrogating what you want to inquire about.

Tackle issues with care and respect without crossing boundaries. There might be rumors going around. Remember to be a human resources manager first, understand your duties, and ensure you perform your task as best as possible.

Be Transparent and Fair

Summing it up, it is essential to be transparent, fair, and just in your decisions. Do not give your employees undeserved favors. Ensure that you are here to help the business grow. Unnecessary work ethics should never let that effect.

There are multiple examples of human resources managers who could not cope with the job because it was not manageable. Do not be one of them. Whenever you feel stuck, breathe, think, structure, and execute!

Cubicle to Cloud virtual businessAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Direct vs. Indirect Costs Demystified

Bookkeeping and accurate financial records are essential to running a business. The financial aspect of the business is vital because it affects payroll, taxes, and the success of the business.

Business owners should be current on business accounting practices per the International Accounting Standards (IAS). Whether you hire an accountant or bookkeeper or use accounting software to handle your business finances, every business owner should understand the books.

When it comes to expenses, there are two types of costs. There are direct costs and indirect costs. Understanding these types of expenses and how they affect your business’s financial records will be crucial to the success of your business. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

Here are the differences between direct and indirect costs and how it affects your business.

Direct Cost

Direct costs are the expenses related to producing a product or service the business produces or provides. Some examples of direct costs would be labor costs, materials, and equipment related to producing products or providing a service.

For example, if you owned a furniture manufacturing company, the direct costs would be materials, labor, and other production costs. If you owned a carpet cleaning business, the direct costs would be the equipment used to perform the service, labor, and transportation.

There are multiple ways to determine direct costs. However, most businesses use the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method or the last-in, first-out (LIFO) method. The method used will be determined by how you use the direct costs.

Most businesses use the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method of calculating costs because, generally, companies do not hold onto old inventory. In the cases where there is old inventory to consider in the cost evaluation, last-in, first-out (LIFO) may be a better method of figuring costs. Either method will work. However, most find the FIFO method easier to understand.

Indirect Cost

Indirect costs are those that do not directly relate to the provision of a product or service. Examples of indirect costs include electricitybuilding leases and maintenancegas, and the upkeep of company vehicles. Indirect costs are easily recognized because they are every business expense that is not directly related to providing what the business sells.

Why Do You Need to Know the Difference?

Understanding direct and indirect costs can impact your accounting practices when producing financial records, payroll, and tax information. Accurately recording expenses in each category will help understand the business’s financial health. CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Knowing the business finances will also help with business decisions regarding overhead, staffing, marketing, and pricing of products and services. It can also determine tax deductions, significantly impacting the business’s bottom line and saving it from being audited. Consider a few things when considering direct and indirect costs.

Activity Type

When it comes to expenses related to business activities, direct costs are related to production or providing the service. Indirect costs are related to business administration activities and management. You must be clear on the activity type to correctly categorize your financial statement line items. This categorization will be crucial when calculating taxes, reporting to shareholders, and keeping the business bookkeeping in order.


Direct costs are generally variable because changes in materials or equipment costs and other factors will cause these expenses to vary. Indirect costs are typically invariable, though they can vary with inflation or staff payroll changes. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Tax Deductions

Direct costs are generally not tax-deductible, though some of the costs involved in the production or provision of a service can be deducted from business taxes. Indirect costs are typically tax-deductible, but this is not a given. 


In conclusion, maintaining accurate bookkeeping and financial records is indispensable for the successful operation of any business, as it profoundly influences payroll, tax obligations, and overall business prosperity. Adhering to International Accounting Standards (IAS) and comprehending business accounting practices is imperative for business owners, whether they employ an accountant, bookkeeper, or leverage accounting software. The distinction between direct and indirect costs plays a pivotal role in understanding and managing a business’s financial health. Direct costs of producing or providing goods and services include labor, materials, and equipment.

Recognizing these differences is crucial for accurate
financial reporting, payroll processing, and tax compliance. This knowledge informs business decisions regarding overhead, staffing, marketing, and pricing and influences tax deductions, potentially safeguarding the business from audits. Categorizing expenses based on activity type and understanding the variability of costs are essential considerations for precise financial statement reporting and tax calculations. In essence, a nuanced comprehension of direct and indirect costs empowers business owners to navigate their financial landscape strategically and ensure the long-term financial stability of their enterprises.

LastPass – Family or Org Password VaultAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Budgeting and Performance Reports

The companies utilize numerous management tools for the smooth processing of their operations. These tools are efficient with their tasks and provide business owners with critical insights into their company’s financial information and performance tools for operating the processes. One of the most valuable tools is budgeting, primarily used by businesses to manage their finances. A budget is crafted with advanced forecasting to predict future expenses. Presently, companies rely on the accuracy of their income and expenditure.

On the contrary, performance reports are usually an assessment of a particular function of a business. The performance report reflects the input of the resources and output of the services for every single company unit. Government officials and agencies commonly implement this activity to co-relate the tax-payer funds and the outcome of services the federal or state government provides.

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Coordination of Budgeting with Performance Reports

Budget and performance reports are essential for every business, and highly professional accountants or bookkeepers are appointed to tackle them. The finance department is generally assigned the budgeting task, while an expert always creates a performance report. The process of budgeting is essential for a business to grow in health and profitability.

Role of Performance Report

Although budgeting contains significant information, it can’t offer additional variance-related facts. Additional costs of acquiring the resources or poor economic conditions are several factors to consider before the budget approval. However, performance reports are impacted if the government alters its laws. Half of these indicators are utterly financial, while others might be related to administration and management. Therefore, a performance report must be accurate to avoid any future surprises.

Role of Budgeting

There are numerous characteristics of budgeting for a business. One of them is how budgeting accurately assigns money. It provides an evaluated acknowledgment of your affordability and financial limitations. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Let’s head over some of the most favorable characteristics of budgeting.


Budgeting is a fantastic way of willfully controlling your money. The budget allows you to stay worried about the unexpected expenditures that might appear. Also, you’ll be able to determine the weakest parts of your business.

Cash Assignment and Profitability

It is effortless to lose sight of where a company is generating profit during the scramble of chronic management. An appropriately structured budget indicates what aspects of a business create money and which ones utilize it, which ultimately compels the administration to consider expanding neglected parts of a business. Additionally, a very minimal amount is available to invest in working capital and fixed assets, and budgeting forces the management to select the worthiest investments.CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Avoid Business Chaos

 In smaller organizations, budgets became a rarity. Business owners prefer to manage themselves only with the reference of general budgeting. Undoubtedly, they aren’t professional accountants with much expertise in this field. When things don’t do as planned, the business owners might reserve the employees’ paychecks or invest in several financial operations, but many businesses fall anyway. There will be varied explanations for this failure. Giant corporations rely on budgets. It is a significant element for controlling and strategizing financial processes.

Productive Usage of Resources

It is a widespread practice for employees and managers to assign limited resources within many companies. Every business contains a deserving workforce, which usually creates employee disputes. However, with proper budgeting, the available resources will be naturally higher than the available funds.

Companies might opt for automated software and performance reports to track the financial information related to budgeting. It combines with the performance report that oversees comprehensive budgeting management. These reports often list attributes relating to several budget variances and other mandatory information for the budget. 

Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping ExpertsAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Innovation: Crucial for Manufacturing

Innovation is critical to economic growth and success for any manufacturing organization. The idea leads to higher levels of efficiency, progress, and productivity. Typically, innovation means looking out for something better by changing the traditional means. It helps to identify flaws and solutions to take on the existing methods to streamline and improve them.  

The manufacturing industry is constantly under a phase of change, whether it happens from the emergence of new technologies or techniques. This continuous transformation means the manufacturers must keep the shift relevant and ahead of the game. 

LastPass – Family or Org Password VaultInnovation Helps Drive the Industry Forward

One of the reasons innovation is so important is that it helps drive the methods of the manufacturing industry forward. We understand that it is a challenge to do something you have never done before or test something without 100% surety. However, the risk of not innovating is also very significant. Innovations not only help your business grow and evolve, but they also impact the whole industry. After all, the introduction of widespread use of updated technologies or systems can completely transform the processes of the manufacturing industry.

Innovations Offer a Competitive Edge

Companies and businesses that innovate get an early competitive advantage that allows them to penetrate the market faster and easily make them stand out. When you offer the same products or services, a customer grows tired. Providing them with something new and unique that the clients or customers can utilize is vital. Many innovators take the products that are already popular and make them better. It makes them stand out in the sector and generates better revenue for the company. Innovation can facilitate and improve growth prospects; whether you are a startup or a medium-sized company, innovations help you immensely. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Innovations Help You Meet Client Demands

Innovations in the manufacturing industry help you meet your client’s demands and requirements. Meeting demand is tied to the point that you stand out from the crowd after gaining a competitive edge and meeting market orders. Customer needs change constantly as they can be one thing today and another tomorrow. For this reason, with the ability to adapt to changes in the sector and innovate, your business has a higher chance of remaining competitive. Businesses become stagnant and will not succeed in the long run if there is no innovation present. You may lose market share to competitors, lose your talent pool, decrease productivity, and see your profit margins fall. 

Innovation Leads to Increased Quality

You will likely meet your customers’ needs by offering better and more innovative products and services. The company leads to higher sales and profits. Innovation is also essential to experience productivity improvements and reduced costs since invention allows manufacturers to be more flexible and adaptable. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Important Innovations in History

The most vital innovations in the manufacturing industry happened with the Industrial Revolution. This period helped the manufacturing sector to enter a new era, and since then, the industry has never stopped evolving. The Internet of Things5G, and countless other innovations have taken the industry forward. In a few years or less, other innovations will further support the progress. It is also essential to consider that an innovative idea needs to work to solve any problem in the manufacturing world. Having thoughts is not enough if there is no progress, and this factor is crucial to keep the innovation moving forward. 

The Time is to Encourage Innovation

For any manufacturing business, you must nurture innovations and encourage change wherever necessary. To reap the maximum benefits and improved efficiency:

  1. Incorporate changes wherever possible.
  2. Put the processes in place, consider employee suggestions, and encourage risk-taking behavior for a better chance.
  3. Reward innovation and celebrate success with employees whenever changes are implemented successfully. 

Innovation has a positive effect on company culture. It increases the ability to create, acquire, and use skills effectively. Innovative practices can help build a culture of continuous learning, growth, and personal development. This creative environment can motivate people to work together and improve their processes. 

When the organization is supportive and provides the right tools for the employees to succeed in their jobs, it positively affects how people perceive their roles. 

Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping ExpertsAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Maximize Tax Savings

Taxation can be quite a hassle, especially if you have just started your business and there is little profit margin. Due to the complicated business regulations, small business owners dread the taxation season and often need help. However, most people must understand that the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) has introduced various tax breaks, especially for new business owners.

Here, we have listed the top 7 strategies to help small businesses cut their taxes.

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Deduct 20% From Your Qualified Business Income

The IRS allows up to 20% deduction from your qualified business income. The QBI deduction law was introduced in 2018 and enables business owners to only file taxes on 80% of the remuneration if the business is a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. Notably, companies with incomes lower than $157,000 are eligible for the deduction in their QBI and thus save a lot of money on filing taxes at a lower income rate. However, consult your tax attorney to understand better the limitations and regulations required for QBI deduction. 

Take Benefit From Depreciating Assets

Another clever way to save on business taxes is by taking a tax write-off on business assets. These assets can include office equipment purchases, vehicles, or even property. If the purchased assets are used within the company’s first two years, the IRS has set specific rules for writing off the tax. Consult with your tax attorney to save that extra chunk of money from your tax returns. 

Decrease Your Business Income by Utilizing Tax Credits 

The Federal government offers many amenities to businesses involved in corporate social responsibility and welfare. One key benefit is tax credits. The government has set up a whole tax credit system that encourages businesses to do certain things in return for tax credits. You can get tax credits for public welfare activities, such as eco-friendly campaigns, donations, events for the elderly and disabled, and other community-building programs. 

ADP. Payroll – HR – BenefitsAccount for the Gifts and Endowments

Deduct the cost of any assistance and endowments to your vendors as well. There are strict rules and regulations regarding this one, and you might want your tax attorney to guide you on how to save taxes on entertainment and gift expenses. 

Manipulate the Time Frame of Your Income and Expenses

If you follow the accrual accounting method, your income and expenses might reflect your balance sheet. Review your income and expenses and see if you can move forward with payment in the next fiscal year to save on your taxable income. It is essential to consult a tax attorney because you don’t want to break the law while saving on your taxes. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Write off Your Bad Debts

Take a thorough review of all the payments due to you and write off any such payments as bad debts. You can move these payments to your next fiscal year to save on your taxes. These bad debts can include unpaid credit lines, loans, or fees from vendors and service takers long pending. By writing these off as bad debts, you technically lower your business’ income, thus impacting the due taxes. 

An IRS Qualified Retirement Plan 

Another critical strategy to help you save on your tax filing is setting up an IRS-qualified retirement fund for yourself or your company employees. The IRS allows the deferment of taxes on several different retirement plans. Consult your tax advocate and set up a fund according to your business’s goals. 


In conclusion, dealing with taxation can be particularly challenging for small business owners, especially in the early stages with narrow profit margins. The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) does, however, offer crucial tax breaks tailored for new entrepreneurs. The top seven strategies outlined here provide effective means for small businesses to minimize their tax liabilities. From leveraging the Qualified Business Income (QBI) deduction to utilizing tax write-offs on depreciable assets, managing the timing of income and expenses strategically, and taking advantage of tax credits for corporate social responsibility, there are various avenues for savings.

Additionally, accounting for gifts and endowments, writing off bad debts, and implementing an IRS-qualified retirement plan are all valuable measures. Consulting with a tax attorney is essential to ensure compliance and optimize returns. By proactively utilizing these strategies and staying informed about
 tax regulations, small business owners can confidently navigate the taxation landscape, contributing to their ventures’ sustainable growth and success.

Cubicle to Cloud virtual businessAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

Financing for New Ventures

Putting all your apples in one basket is never a sensible business strategy, especially when financing your new business. Not only will diversifying your monetary resources allow your business to take a productive start, but it will also enhance the chances to provide versatile financing to meet your business’s requirements.

The beginning of a new business venture is a challenging feat. Many entrepreneurs might be professionals in marketing products and services, but running a successful business requires many responsibilities. These responsibilities include contexts beyond their expertise. Most small companies fail in cash flow management as they can’t anticipate how banks access them.

However, remember that lenders never consider themselves your only source of funding. Also, representing that you have sought various funding sources proves you’re a proactive entrepreneur.

Whether you opt for a credit loan, an angel investora bank loan, or a public investor, each one has specific expectations and ideas about how they’ll evaluate your business.

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An entrepreneur might not determine the financial mechanisms better than the lender when he invests; here are a few reasons.

Entrepreneurs Experience Financial Stress

Nearly one-third of entrepreneurs are always concerned about not having enough money to fulfill their business’s requirements. Another section indicates that their financial situation is a significant source of stress.

Financial management is one of the most challenging responsibilities for entrepreneurs. When appropriately utilized, business credit can provide the required capital to manage the fluctuations in cash flow. This act enhances an entrepreneur’s ability to pursue opportunities for business growth. They must acknowledge the available credit options to accomplish their business goals.

Lenders are also responsible for making it effortless for business owners to make effective decisions for their growth. Generally, credit cards are the most suitable option for regular purchases, including office supplies, equipment, or monthly supplier payments. On the contrary, a business line of credit for various larger purchases. Moreover, a business loan is also an excellent way to access all the funds simultaneously.Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Entrepreneurs are Unaware of Secure Approval

Only a handful of entrepreneurs agree that developing a robust credit application takes time. Anticipating the right time when business financing would be workable for the company is a tough call. However, before approaching the lender, entrepreneurs need to know the key factors that might be useful to evaluate their credit application.

  • How has the entrepreneur managed previous credit?
  • Does the business have a positive cash flow?
  • Does the entrepreneur have expertise in multiple fields of the industry?

Entrepreneurs who better understand these factors to determine creditworthiness can develop a strong business credit profile.

Entrepreneurs Don’t Get the Necessary Support

Most entrepreneurs desire a facile introductory session before they apply for credit. During the application procedure, they require payment terms to be evaluated. Predictably, they also want to seek out strategies for maximizing the funding.

Financing a business without accurate tools and support is a highly complicated task. While some entrepreneurs keep their credit organized, others might need guidance on establishing a successful credit profile.

The financial advisors are responsible for educating small business owners on how to get approved for funding. In this way, the entrepreneurs will be encouraged to make the most of their credit options and identify their hidden potential to grow their startups.ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Entrepreneurs Often Forget to Follow the Credit Instructions 

Frequently, it becomes challenging for entrepreneurs to decide the correct timing for business financing. If the entrepreneur doesn’t have enough funds to invest in the business as capital, they might contact the banks or lenders to borrow money for the startup. At the beginning of any business, the owners might not understand the mechanisms of the debt, or they couldn’t get the facts provided by the lenders. Without financial knowledge, requesting credit can cause significant financial loss to entrepreneurs. That’s why it would be sensible if they acquired the initial acknowledgment of economic studies.

LastPass – Family or Org Password VaultAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Choosing the Right Payment Gateway

With the rise of technology and electronic tools, businesses’ attention has shifted towards electronic means of distributing their products globally. In this way, the need for intelligent payment gateways is increasing rapidly.  

A payment gateway is a system that facilitates international payments for your business or e-commerce store. It processes the cash transaction from a website, enabling merchants to accept and manage payments and securely lessens fraud. In other words, you can contemplate it as a cash journal for your online business. 

When examining “payment gateways,” you’ll instantly come across the term “Merchant accounts.” A merchant account is a specific bank account used to receive debit and credit card payments. This account should be separate from your joint bank account as it holds funds from the debit and credit cards for a particular accounting period. Remember that financial institutions generally charge merchant accounts for setting up account keeping and transactions. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

The Need for Payment Gateways

Every business varies from the other. While some operate purely online, others opt for physical outlets and serve a multi-channel shopping experience to their customers. Therefore, it is essential to acknowledge their operational requirements to access their business’s most relevant payment gateway. 

Here are seven main factors to acknowledge when considering a payment gateway. 

Type of Payments

 Numerous payment gateways have now become commonplace for many businesses. The most relevant is the traditional key entry debit card or scheme credit card purchases. However, other feasible options are also becoming popular. 

One example of an easy payment gateway is PayPal, where only a password is required to complete the online cash transaction rather than entering the entire billing and shipping details. Also, you won’t need to register a merchant account with it. 

Encryption Standards 

Next, you’ll need to contemplate the encryption standards of the payment gateway you choose. This company will handle your client’s confidential payment data, and even a slight error could adversely influence your company’s reputation. Some payment gateways often promote their encryption standards. One of these standards includes tokenization, which entirely removes card data and adds another level of security. 

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Prioritize Compatibility

Some payment gateways are easier to consolidate than others, though most strive for compatibility with as many technological mechanisms as possible to maximize their user bases. However, you might have unique requirements or requests, such as associating your payment gateway with the invoicing software or with another financial management platform you utilize. 

Security Against Frauds

Unfortunately, online fraud is a leading issue that every e-commerce business goes through at least once. Deceiving can become a high cost and can also ruin your business’s reputation. That’s why one must select a gateway that provides maximum security so that you’ll be saving your company’s funds in the long run. 

Immediate Payment Policies

Cash takes time to reach your bank account with any payment gateway because the funds must clear first. Payment gateways provide a payout session to be completed weekly or monthly to avoid a transfer every time a purchase is made. If your business is prone to refunds and cancellations, it is suggested that you select a monthly payout, as it will be more feasible. CorpNet. Start A New Business Now


The majority of payment gateways arrive at a cost equal to transaction fees. To examine whether the price is reasonable, take a sneak peek at the features you’re getting with it. Essential providers might enable you to process online payments cheaply or freely, but you can also enjoy multiple benefits against a fee. 

Reliability and Support

A payment process plays a pivotal role in your business’s success. You must prioritize reliability in high-volume implementations to ensure constant updates even during peak seasons. With any supplier engagement, it is essential to cultivate the offered support continually. Payment gateways are a significant process as issues could affect your ability to precede sales. Customer support can vary from instant 24/7 support to several days via email. 

Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping ExpertsAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Enhancing Remote Work Security

Implementing a comprehensive cybersecurity system was easy when employees worked in an office, and all sensitive data was held on-site. However, organizations have struggled to adapt their traditional cybersecurity strategy to the new paradigm with changing work attitudes and the increasing necessity of remote work policies. Customer data protection remains a critical component of every organization’s cybersecurity strategy.

Businesses must tackle cybersecurity differently in this new work environment. Most employees may access company network data via insecure workstations, exposing the organization to potential intrusion.Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

Methods To Preserve Security in Remote Work Environments

Cybersecurity is complex, even in normal circumstances. However, the coronavirus outbreak and subsequent lockdown have posed additional challenges for IT and security experts. With the movement to remote work, you must protect and secure all employees, data, and devices not on-site. Additionally, a hybrid environment, or where employees work both in and out of the office, maybe even more vulnerable. 

Clearly State Your Policy and Provide Training

Small businesses require a high level of security. Implementing a remote work policy and security strategy should be the initial step, as it will guide the business’s approach to ensuring employee security. The next stage is to educate staff about cybersecurity concerns. Finally, deploy technologies and processes, such as two-factor authentication, virtual private networks (VPNs), and administrator user account restrictions.

Specific Objectives-Oriented Policy

Maintain realism. A well-defined, stringent policy that is not adhered to is ineffective. Employees may be more inclined to develop workarounds outside of defined systems and processes by onerous security regulations. Define the objectives that must be met and adjust your policy to those criteria. Balance the procedure in such a way that it encourages users to adhere.

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Examine the Software Requirements for Remote Employees

Specific licenses for Office 365 subscribers allow installing the Office suite on up to five PCs or Macs, five tablets, or five smartphones. Those with volume licenses can enable their staff to purchase offices for personal use. Depending on the platform and version of the office where you currently have a license, you may need to check your licensing options and alternatives.

If your users’ remote systems are not currently under your control, you may wish to add the capacity to administer and monitor them. Examine your current antivirus vendor’s options to determine if they offer cloud consoles that can be more readily used to manage these remote devices. Alternatively, if you are a subscriber to Office 365, you can use Intune with the appropriate licenses. Finally, contact any consultants you work with; they may be able to supply temporary permits for the screen connection software they already use to operate your network remotely.

Two-Factor Authentication Should be Implemented (2FA)

Consider adding 2FA to remote access solutions as you add more. You may easily integrate two-factor authentication solutions such as with your existing on-premises remote access systems. can incorporate two-factor authentication into its RDGateway and Remote Web Access products. While your organization may need to act swiftly to enable remote work for its employees, you can still ensure that only authorized administrators and users gain access, not attackers.

Employees Should Be Educated Against COVID-19 Fraud

The National Cyber Awareness system warned of the spread of COVID-19 scams. Instruct your users to avoid clicking on unwanted emails and to visit only authorized websites. Ascertain that the corporation maintains a central internet bulletin board for official communication and notification, particularly if any organization members become infected.

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Maintain Work-Related Data on Office Computers

Perhaps you like attending to a few emails at home before you sleep. This habit may be completely acceptable if you take safeguards such as using your work computer, secure Wi-Fi, a VPN, encrypted dataantivirus, and endpoint protection. With that stated, it can be tempting to use your personal computer if your work computer is in another room or if you forget to bring your laptop charger from work. This simple mistake may pose a risk for both you and the business.

If you work for a firm with a competent IT team, these tasks may be apparent, such as installing frequent updates, running antivirus scans, and blocking harmful websites. There is a strong probability that you have not followed the same security precautions required at work on your computer. Additionally, your organization can afford more sophisticated technology controls than you can.

Without those running in the background, your personal computer is not secure for work-related information due to the possibility of third-party intrusions and compromise. In essence, by connecting a personal computer to a work network, even remotely, you are putting the company 
networks in danger, as well as yourself, by accepting the possibility of severe corporate damages due to policy, practice, or infractions.


While sound technologies and regulations are beneficial, the reality is that remote employees are a vital source of security risk. General work from home and small policies for computer and internet use can be beneficial, and technological and administrative restrictions can enforce these restrictions.

These security awareness methods and strategies will assist employees in safely operating company equipment and information regardless of location. These work-from-home security measures can be implemented into official employee and cybersecurity policies by CISOs and IT administrators. We propose that organizations train employees on these rules during new hire orientation as part of ongoing security awareness training, significantly when organizations alter their security and remote work policies.

ADP. Payroll – HR – BenefitsAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault