Issues concerning money are one of the leading causes of divorce. Prevent the strain that comes from financial instability by taking control of your budget as a couple. Work together to fight the battle against money instead of fighting each other.
Hey, Money, We Need to Talk
Dealing with money issues cannot be avoided. Money (and gravitational pull) makes the world go round and is also the cause of a lot of stress: where to get money, how to spend it, and, dear God, how to save it. These issues are inevitable, but why let them create arguments in your marriage? You are already fighting one battle; don’t let it turn you against your strongest ally. The earlier you confront the issue of money and how to handle it as a team, the sooner you can defeat one of the main distressing issues in marriages. Financial problems put undue strain on marriages, and it needs to stop. You may not see eye to eye about spending, but you still need to work together to create a joint budget for the income in your home and be transparent about your spending. This will allow you to avoid issues about money and resolve the problems that have already occurred. Always remember what you work so hard to preserve. Why throw away such a precious bond that has created so much beauty in your life?
Couples that Budget Together Stays Together
Making a budget as a couple is a great tool you can use to stop the frustration of wondering where all the money goes at the end of the month. It will also help you to work together to reach the financial goals that you have been trying to achieve on your own.
Getting started, you need to sit down and review your current financial situation in depth. Start with collecting your income, combine your pay stubs from last month, and write down all their totals. If your income is consistent, it will be easier to budget, but don’t worry; you can also budget for fluctuations in your income. Then, look at your spending. Collect all your bills. You can start with communal bills like rent, but make sure you also collect all the personal finances like your golf club membership or subscription to home magazines. The next area you will have to account for is spending. Estimate or pull up last month’s credit card statement to look at about how much you spend on food and gas or personal shopping. Lastly, you must discuss savings, how much you have, how much you put away each month, and what you are saving towards or where you invest it.
When you make a personal budget, you will compare the income to the expenses and adjust until your income exceeds the expenses. As a couple, you will have to decide what to keep and abandon to reach financial goals. You will know where all your money is going and will have already accounted for personal spending too. Now, there will be no surprises at the end of each month. You can rest assured knowing that all your essential bills are accounted for and know how much extra you must spend on yourself. Having a budget will avoid a scenario where resentment about spending your money is obsolete because you have merged your total household income and know that your money can cover all your necessary expenses.
Honesty’s the Best Budget (and Marriage) Policy
Creating a budget is a great tool and will help to prevent resentments over money in your relationship. But to do it right, you must be honest about your spending and financial situation. Studies show that about 30 percent of people are dishonest about their finances and estimate that about 50% of divorces are related to financial issues. Full disclosure is critical in your marriage budget endeavors to avoid becoming the latter statistic. Full disclosure means you break down the debt, bills, and spending. No secret student loans lingering or splurging on expensive “mental health excursions” at the spa without accounting for it. This is not to say you can’t indulge, but you need to be upfront about the extent of your financial obligations. Budget preemptively for personal expenses and be ready to give up what is unnecessary for the financial stability of your household.