A single percentage probability does not describe risk. It is possible to use possibility only in one case – when the risk factor leads to the complete loss of property, taken as a unit. In practice, risk management is jurisprudence in civil and criminal legislation, staging, limiting, duplication, insurance, diversification, destruction of the risk factor evasion, etc.
- Risk is a characteristic of a situation with an uncertain outcome, with the obligatory presence of adverse consequences.
- Risk in the narrow sense – a quantitative assessment of hazards, is defined as the frequency of one event when another occurs.
- Risk is an unforeseen event or situation that, if it occurs, has a favorable or unfavorable impact on the company’s reputation and results in monetary profits or losses.
- Risk is the probability of a possible unwanted loss of something under a lousy set of circumstances.
- Risk is the likelihood of a hazard getting out of control and the severity of the consequences, expressed by the degree of manifestation
- The product of the chance of time lost is a risk. The risk can be described by a rate only if the object of the risk is an indivisible object of investment and if all receipts are perceived as profit (the desired perception of the rates of return of equity and debt instruments, without considering transaction and other costs). It is possible to assess the risk as to the difference between the assessment of profitability (in %) and the risk assessment (in %). Without careful consideration of the specifics of transactions, or in a non-financial assessment, risk as an interest rate, as a “probability,” one can make mistakes in management. Risk is measured in monetary units in economic calculations: since technical analyses: in technical calculations, it is measured in natural units, you must convert it into financial terms to ensure comparability in economic calculations. The names of events leading to damage are a list of risk factors. The frequency of occurrence of events is the basis for determining the probability of risk.
The risk-reward ratio shows how much risk you will have to take depending on the potential Reward.
It would be helpful if you comprehended the core notions of risk, whether you like day trading or swing trading. They provide the foundation for market comprehension and serve as a guide for trading and investment decisions. You won’t be able to protect and increase your balance otherwise.
Risk/Reward ratio
The risk/reward ratio (R/R ratio or R) allows you to understand how much risk a trader takes for potential Reward. In other words, it shows you the possible return for every dollar you risk on an investment.
The computation is straightforward. The maximum risk splits the net profit target. What do you mean? First, consider where you want to enter the industry. Decide where you will take profits (if the trade is successful) and place your stop loss (if it is a losing trade). It is essential for effective risk management.
Good traders set profit targets and stop losses before entering a trade.
You now have your entry and exit targets, meaning you can calculate your risk/reward ratio. You must divide the potential risk by the potential benefit to achieve this. The smaller this coefficient, the greater the possible return per “unit” of risk. Let’s see how it works.
How to Calculate Risk Reward Ratio
Let’s say you want to go long, Bitcoin. After conducting research, you conclude that your take profit order will be 15% of the entry price. Next, you must answer the following question: where your position will be ineffective. It is where you will need to set your stop loss. In this case, you decide that your reversal point will be 5% of your entry point.
You must determine profit target and stop-loss based on market analysis. When trying to resolve this issue, technical analysis indications are helpful. It’s worth noting that they generally shouldn’t be based on arbitrary percentages.
So, our profit target is 15%, and our potential loss is 5%. What is the risk/reward ratio? 5/15 = 1:3 = 0.33. Everything is simple. It means that we potentially win three times as much for every unit of risk. In other words, for every dollar we risk, we can get $3. Thus, if we have a position worth $100, we risk losing $5 with a potential profit of $15.
To reduce this ratio, one can also move the stop loss closer to our entry. However, entry and exit points should not be calculated arbitrarily but solely based on analysis. If a trading position has a high risk/reward ratio, it’s probably not worth “arguing” with the numbers and hoping for success. In this case, we recommend choosing another position with a good risk/reward ratio.
Please note that positions with different sizes may have the same risk/reward ratio. The ratio only changes if we change the relative position of our target and stop loss. For example, if we have a $10,000 position, we risk losing $500 for a potential profit of $1,500 (the ratio is still 1:3).
Profit/risk ratio
It is worth noting that many traders do this calculation in reverse order – the reward/risk ratio. Why? It’s just an essence of preference; it’s easier for some to figure it out. The calculation here is directly opposite to the risk-to-reward formula. The reward/risk ratio in the example above would be 15/5 = 3. As you might expect, a high reward/risk ratio is better than a low ratio.
What are risks and Rewards?
Let’s say we’re at the zoo, and we’re arguing. I will give you 1 BTC if you sneak into the aviary and hand-feed the parrot. The police can arrest you; however, you will receive 1 BTC if successful. What is the potential risk?
But there is also an alternative. I will give you 1.1 BTC if you climb into the cage with the tiger and hand feed him raw meat. What is the potential risk now? Yes, you can still be arrested by the police, but a tiger can also attack you and inflict fatal injuries. On the other hand, the potential profit is slightly higher than the parrot bet since you will receive more BTC if successful.
Which of these opportunities do you think is more profitable? Technically, both are unattractive because you shouldn’t behave like that in a zoo. But with a tiger bet, you’re taking on a lot more risk for a little more potential Reward.
Similarly, many traders will choose trading positions with the highest profit and lowest risk. It is called asymmetric opportunity (potential gain is more significant than possible loss).
It is also important to mention the win rate (success rate) here. Win rate is the number of winning trades divided by the number of losing trades. For example, if you have a 60%-win rate, you profit on 60% of your trades (on average). Let’s look at how to use this in risk management.
Even so, some traders can make profits with low win rates. Why is that? Just because of the risk and reward ratio in their trading positions. If they only take positions with a risk/reward ratio of 1:10, they can lose nine trades in a row and still win on one trade. They will only need to win two trades out of ten to make a profit. Therefore, calculating risk and Reward is so essential.
We looked at the risk/reward ratio and how traders can incorporate it into their trading plan. Calculating the risk/reward ratio is essential in determining the risk profile of any money management strategy.
Keeping a trading journal is also worth considering when it comes to risk.