Navigating Digital Noise

With the advent of the digital age, where every kind of information is being disseminated, it is challenging for people to filter out relevant content they are interested in. If you switch on the TV, you will witness debates between anchors and political candidates, reality TV shows, and 24-hour news cycles.

Aside from that, you have many TV series and movies at your disposal, thanks to Netflix, Amazon Prime, and more such subscription-based streaming platforms. These various forms of media have infiltrated our everyday lives to a point where our thoughts get muddled. We need to make an active effort to form creative and original thoughts.Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

The average rate of an individual checking their phone is approximately 46 times a day (increased from 33 looks every day in the year 2014), as Time.Com has reported. The evolved, modern-day culture has turned people into social animals where it is necessary to respond to text messages and group chats instantly.

We are so invested in keeping up with the online communication culture that even if it disrupts our sleep cycle or damages organic relationships, we cannot do anything about it.
So, to keep up with this new dynamic in virtual interaction, brands must also change their ways and communicate their story in a modified fashion. If they want to surpass all the noise and have their message heard, the following presents some great tips that can help them.

Drive Straight into it and Get Your Point Across

An average American comes across around 4,000 – 10,000 messages daily, but their memory can retain only 100 out of them all. It is crucial that amidst all the clutter, your message is conveyed correctly and heard. It makes sense that it is hard for humans not to get distracted in this fast-paced world. Our attention spans are consistently low, dropping from 12 to 8 seconds.

Neither do brands have all the time in the world to tell their story and discuss their message, products, or services at length, nor do consumers have the time to go through it all. So, companies should use innovative, attention-grabbing ideas and compact messages with great visuals to stand out.

Visual Content Wins

It is crucial to put across your message; however, make sure that it is visually impressive content bound to turn heads. The impact compact messages accompanied by short bursts of information have is massive. Consumers find it much more convenient to consume visual content than text-around 60,000 times. More than 65% of individuals are visual marketers and learners who utilize videos to generate revenue 49% faster than those who do not use videos.
CorpNet. Start A New Business NowBusinesses rely entirely on words to make an impactful message that is heard. Prospective customers want to be able to envision your product or service in their lives before they make a purchase. It has been reported that buyers are 88% more interested in availing a service or buying a product after seeing a video.

Have a Social Media Presence Because That is Where Your Audience is

People from all generations, age brackets, and backgrounds are utilizing social media platforms. Thus, brands must take advantage of these platforms by marketing themselves through them and potentially grabbing the attention of their target audience.

Facebook users by Age
  • 82% of adults ages 18 -29
  • 79% of adults ages 30 -49
  • 64% of adults ages 50 – 64
  • 48% of adults ages 65+
Instagram users by Age
  • 23% of adults ages 18-24
  • 26% of adults ages 25-34
  • 19% of adults ages 35-44
Twitter users by Age
  • 18% of adults ages 18-24
  • 22% of adults ages 25-34
  • 20% of adults ages 35-44

Understand Various Factors like the Social and Cultural Values of Your Consumers and Generate Relevant Content

Let us take the example of New Heartland to explain this point. If you were advertising your product or services in New Heartland, you would know that 60% of the consumers reside there. Some critical cultural touchpoints are a part of their tradition and should not be overlooked.

These include sports, music, tech, food, and fashion dominantly. An important aspect is that core values, which entail religion, family, and community, all influence the brands they endorse.Download A Free Financial Toolkit

41% of New Heartland consumers claimed they are more drawn to products and services aligning with their core beliefs. It seems that marketers are not yet hitting the mark here as in the same group of responders, only 4% said advertisements “often” are in sync with their core values, while 42% reported that they are “rarely” in line with their core values.

This kind of information paves the way for businesses to understand better what their consumers demand. You can see what resonates and connects with them and accordingly come up with unique messages that speak directly to their culture.


For brands that can get into the flow of this communication tsunami with valuable and consumable messaging, success will be measurable and sustainable.

Businesses must understand the demands and expectations consumers have from them to get past the barrier of digital noise. Only if your brand employs communication mediums to convey messages effectively will you be able to take it to the next level.

So, remember these guidelines and drive your brand to ultimate success!

ADP. Payroll – HR – BenefitsAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Key Team Leadership Roles

The excellence of leadership impacts each level of any company. Whether you are running a business or any freelance business does not matter. At one or another time, everyone has felt the effect of lousy team leadership, demotivated workers, confusion regarding responsibilities and roles, and plummeting sales. A good leader could affect quite the opposite, but what makes a good leader?Download A Free Financial Toolkit

The responsibilities and duties of a leader contain two primary categories: management and leadership. Managerial and administrative skills may irritate everyone else, but keep things in solid order, like following organization procedures, reporting meetings, and ensuring everyone knows the KPIs. But make no error; while management leadership skills are essential and essential, managerial skills are just as significant. Recognizing your duties or responsibilities as a manager and leader is critical. 

Here are some crucial leadership duties or responsibilities for any team leader or manager.

Give a Strong Vision

Visionary leaders get a clear view of their market and the product. They could see out of today’s challenges and ambiguity to enhance the picture of tomorrow. Powered by inspiration, they built a sense of expectations for the future. They sense the urge to prosper in their bones and want the workers to share that feeling. This feeling cannot be mandatory nor forced; it is increased by influence.

One of the leadership duties and responsibilities is to grasp the end picture as a discipline, but it must be pledged daily. Here are some activities you could regularly perform to give an unclouded vision for your workers.CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Communicate the Result in an Understandable Way

You may see it, but your workers want comfort that it truly is the destination you all are successfully going to. Ensure you have a clear picture of the result day and say it aloud sometimes every quarter.


Nothing is worse than a leader that drives where the wind takes them. Ensure you have a stringent, strict process in place. Use objectives and key results (OKR) to implement techniques into the daily routine.

Be Bold

Measured the number of risks. Innovation cannot take place without taking hazards. If you are willing to go the additional mile, it refers to everyone’s clear message.

Encourage Creativity and Consistent Improvement

Creativity is not only something with which we are born. It consumes effort and time to master, and it is significant to be practicing it. Comfort areas are huge red zone areas for business. It is the leadership’s duty or responsibility to push workers to come out of their comfort zones if it occurs. When your workers feel comfortable and safe, you must work double as hard to progress. Each leader knows how significant teamwork is in the office, but creativity is only as substantial.Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

Inspire by Setting an Example

Perform the work! But remember that leaders do not have to know about every specialty they have recruited. Instead, they must be from one of those who give guidance. The delicate and actual line between too small contact and micromanaging – everything in between is the sweet spot.

Follow the Company Process by the Book

One of the most significant business decisions each leader must face in the digital world is what business procedures the organization will use. We all want to measure what matters. And the calmest approach to doing that is to utilize the objective and critical results technique. It is the leadership duty or responsibility that your company’s level is associated with the long-term strategy.

Supervise Team Reporting & KPIs

On average, you see around five thousand advertisements per day. According to the statistics from 2007, what has occurred to the internet since then is well known. So, with each step you pick and each move you make, an ad will always follow us.

Bottom Line

A team leader’s responsibilities and duties might vary occasionally, but the primary area duties remain the same. The term visionary is thrown around the block too quickly. One thing is knowing what business you are in and steering your organization to the correct place with good managerial skills.

Cubicle to Cloud virtual businessAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Customer Service In 2024

We have all had at least one bad customer experience when shopping online or otherwise. A lack of product knowledge, late query responses on social media pages, and challenging terms and conditions are all potential ways brands lose customers. Good customer service can sometimes save you from losing a customer, even if the order is problematic. However, bad customer service can cause a business a consumer no matter how good your product is.LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

What is Good Customer Service?

It is essential to form a bond of understanding and trust with your customers like any other relationship. Your employee-customer representatives are your front liners. They might be bad for business if they cannot deliver your brand promise of keeping customer needs first. In such a case, you must either cut your representative loose or rethink your training sessions.

In today’s world, good customer service is a defining factor that gives businesses an edge over each other. It is as much a core competency as a good, differentiating product in your portfolio. Below are things you can do to help build a rapport with your customers and gain their trust. Customer advocacy and word-of-mouth marketing can be crucial to a brand’s reputation and growth.

Respond Quickly 

Be it a query over email or a phone call on your customer support helpline, ensure the customer is answered or responded to as quickly as possible. This point is the first rule to reliable customer service by good brands. A waiting customer is an angry customer, and an angry customer is unsuitable for the business. Brand managers should train customer representative employees to exhibit professionalism and promptness and align with brand values when interacting with customers.Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Train Your Employees Thoroughly

The most important aspect of the business. Richard Branson says, “Take care of your employees, and they will take care of your business.” Suppose your employee is feeling unsatisfied or unappreciated. In that case, it is your responsibility as the body in charge to make sure you understand them to carry your mission forward. Running a business is a two-way street.

Do Not Make Empty Promises

No matter how angry or dissatisfied the customer is, making a promise that the brand cannot fulfill will tip the customer off the edge. Imagine a customer disappointed with a particular product aspect only to be further upset with the brand’s services. This point comes as an easy decision. If the brand does not work a certain way, for instance, providing refunds in a day, you cannot promise the customer.

Ask For Feedback

Good customer service continues beyond solving problems. Especially in 2021, when communication is critical over a screen, you must ensure that the consumer is satisfied throughout the customer journey. Good brands constantly communicate with their audiences, incorporate this feedback in their processes, and continually improve customer touchpoints. Continuously check your social media handles and other customer support platforms to ensure you answer as many people as quickly as possible.

Brand and Product Knowledge

Imagine blanking out when a customer calls up to ask what the maximum voltage level of an appliance is. Embarrassing, right? It is also bound to upset the customer. Often, it might not be your fault as the customer representative if the brand does not provide you with the proper training. As a brand, you are responsible for ensuring your frontline soldier is equipped with the appropriate ammunition before they step onto the battlefield. You are only as strong as your weakest link. In an environment with tons of brands offering the same competitive product or service, customer switching costs are typically low. They will not even bat an eye before changing their brand of choice.Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

Of course, depending on your industry and nature of work, there are many ways to satisfy your customer and build a connection. It is best to use previous experiences as learning points to keep training your employees in the future. Good customer service is a process that keeps evolving; hence, you must keep learning with the evolving behavior of customers.

Parting Thoughts

No matter the size of your business, your customers need to feel heard and understood. Good customer service will give you the competitive edge you sometimes need, even over corporate giants, to help you succeed in your industry. Companies underestimate the power of being there for the customer, eventually losing out on growth and customer-brand loyalty.

Prompt responses to customers in need, thorough employee training, fulfilling your promises, and requesting customer feedback are basic things you can do to get ahead of the competition. Getting to know your audience and its needs can also give you an advantage in defining your point of differentiation amidst so many businesses competing for their share of audiences in a world entirely of competition.

LastPass – Family or Org Password VaultAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Guide to Digital Marketing for Brands

Brands that will not transform their presence online are unlikely to gain success with digital marketing. Success with digital marketing is more about writing blog posts, articles, social media ads, and advertisements in general. This platform comes with numerous benefits, but that’s not all of why you need to go social. Going digital is the need of the hour if you want to be recognized and get ahead of your competition. The best part is that you only need to dedicate a small amount of time to create an online presence.

What Does Digital Marketing Entail?

Digital marketing helps you narrow the list of potential buyers by focusing on an audience that might be interested in your products. Of course, not everyone who likes your products or your online presence will always purchase your products. Still, a more focused approach will save you resources like money, time, and effort and maximize your return on ad spend and overall online marketing effort. Success with digital marketing can increase when you pick and choose your audience using dedicated online tools on Facebook and the Google network.ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Unlike conventional marketing, no competitor can take that billboard placement where most traffic passes to get your ad noticed. This statement is only valid to a certain extent, but all brands compete on a more level platform. If you have quality content and design, you can gain incredible traction and sales from your audience with a minimum spend. Case in point, Facebook recommends brands post only about twice a week for an audience of about 10,000 followers to transmit their brand messaging effectively.

Apart from posting on your social media handles and running brand ads for a widespread campaign, the digital market allows brands to:

  1. Increase the quality of content using SEO techniques: As users have minimal attention spans, with 12 seconds for millennials and a whopping 8 seconds for Gen Z, it is crucial to use essential keywords to keep such skimmers attentive. Success with digital marketing comes through being precisely cut with your audiences juggling between 4 and 5 screens simultaneously!
  2. Analyze consumer behavior: Did the last sales campaign give you the best numbers yet? Now you know what your consumers are responsive to. While consumer behavior is non-linear and constantly wavering, learning a general perception of your target audience will help you with more focused efforts to gain success with digital marketing. Online platforms such as Google Analytics give you complete access to monitoring, editing, analyzing, and even controlling the variables of your campaigns precisely the way you want. While the information may get lost on a conventional level, digital platforms are malleable. They offer charts, graphs, analysis tables, etc., to gauge the performance of your efforts throughout and even after your campaign ends. 
  3. Customize your emails: Once your audience signs up with your brand, you can send them targeted emails customized to their needs to make them feel special. For instance, if your brand sells female and male attire, you can send the females customized emails when running a sale on blouses. The same can be done for males when you have a new collection of genuine leather belts. Emails are also beneficial for running an A/B Test on your audience. You can experiment with certain subject lines, images, color themes, font styles, etc. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Benefits of Digital Marketing

Success with digital marketing has to do with numerous benefits. The rest comes easy once you have gotten together with your internal team and figured out why you are going digital. Some additional benefits that come with associating your brand with the digital platform are:

  • Higher conversion rate: Audiences can reach you in person and through the internet.
  • Greater growth for the business: When audiences are more precise and targeting more focused, success comes naturally. You can continuously apply what you learned from previous experiences to give your customers what they want.CorpNet. Start A New Business Now
  • Cost-effective marketing: You won’t be advertising to the wrong parties; hence, your conversion rate will be higher and will increase your return on ad spend.
  • Connecting to mobile customers: The best aspect of using Facebook and search engines like Google is that they are gadget-friendly. You can optimize your ads to adjust them on desktops, laptops, tablets, and even mobile phones based on what the user is using.

Final Verdict

Brands going digital have and will continue to experience success and growth. Digital marketing is a great way to define your audience, refine your messaging, increase your sales, and decrease your costs all in one go over a short period. Compared to conventional marketing, digital marketing hands you the tools to control your growth and measure it in real.

Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping ExpertsAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Agriculture Digital Marketing

By: Jennifer Brazer

Jennifer is the author of From Cubicle to Cloud and Founder/CEO of Complete Controller, a pioneering financial services firm that helps entrepreneurs break free of traditional constraints and scale their businesses to new heights.

Fact Checked By: Brittany McMillen

Agriculture Digital Marketing: Transforming the Farming Industry

What if selling your harvest could be as simple as clicking a few buttons? Agriculture digital marketing is making this vision a reality. This isn’t just a passing trend; it’s reshaping how farms operate in an online-first world. Whether you’re cultivating crops or managing livestock, digital marketing strategies can expand your reach, build your reputation, and boost profitability. Let’s dive into how these tools can empower your farm in ways you might never have imagined. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Key Takeaways

  • Learn actionable agricultural marketing strategies, including SEO, social media, and e-commerce tailored to farming.
  • Understand the impact digital tools can have on farm management, visibility, and profits.
  • Explore real-world examples and case studies for inspiration.
  • Identify practical steps to amplify your farm’s online presence starting today.

Why Digital Marketing Matters in Agriculture

Reaching a bigger audience with online marketing

The internet has created opportunities for farmers to connect with customers far beyond their local communities. Think of agro-business digital advertising like a farmer’s market that spans nationwide—or even globally. For instance, organic produce, farm-to-table meats, or artisanal honey now have massive potential to tap into niche markets.

Recent data shows that 32% of U.S. farmers now use the internet for business decisions, a jump from just 20% in 2017. The trend is clear: digitally connected farms are better positioned to find consumers who value quality and ethics. Whether you’re in California or rural India (with its 227 million internet users in rural regions), reaching new buyers has never been more achievable.

Enhancing your farm’s visibility

You can’t sell what people can’t find. A simple, SEO-optimized website ensures your farm stands out in search results. If someone searches “fresh peaches near me” or “grass-fed beef in Texas,” strong SEO could put your farm front and center. As the CEO of a financial services firm that’s worked with countless small businesses, I’ve seen firsthand how powerful even modest improvements to online visibility can be.

Agricultural SEO techniques like keyword optimization, meta descriptions, and internal linking let prospective customers easily locate your products. For farms in rural areas, geo-targeted content can make the difference between thriving and merely surviving.

Agricultural Marketing Strategies That Work

Mastering agricultural SEO techniques

SEO for farming businesses might sound daunting, but it’s simpler than you think. Here’s how you can plant the seeds for better search rankings:

  1. Research keywords. Tools like Google Keyword Planner can reveal terms like “organic produce delivery” or “farm-to-consumer marketing strategies.”
  2. Optimize every element of your site. Include keywords in page titles, headers, and even image ALT tags. These small changes add up.
  3. Use internal links wisely. For example, if your blog discusses “best vegetables for summer salads,” link directly to your online store’s summer produce section.

Breaking into social media marketing for farms

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram aren’t just for city slickers; they’re game-changing tools for farms. Swipe through any well-run farm profile, and you’ll likely see gorgeous farm shots, behind-the-scenes videos, and posts educating consumers about sustainable agriculture.

  1. Post consistently. A weekly photo series featuring seasonal harvests or daily life on the farm helps build familiarity and trust.
  2. Target smartly. Paid ads can zero in on eco-conscious users or people searching for “locally sourced food.” Your marketing budget works better when it’s focused.

Did you know that platforms like TikTok are helping farmers engage with younger audiences? Short, engaging clips showing how food is grown or giving a peek into farm animals’ antics can go viral, creating awareness and drawing consumers closer to your story.

Content marketing as a storytelling tool

Content marketing is about teaching and connecting. It gives buyers insight into what makes your farm unique while answering their questions. For instance, blogging about composting tips or hosting a video tour of your farm gets people involved.

Case Study Highlight: The farm “Farm Fresh To You” has mastered content marketing on Instagram, combining their stunning visuals with informative posts and recipes. Their efforts turned followers into loyal buyers who are invested in the farm’s story. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Digital Tools That Empower Agri-Business

I understand how tight farming schedules are. Here are tools that’ll make life easier while building your brand:

  • Farm Management Software like Farmbrite helps track costs, inventory, and yields with ease. If you’re serious about scaling, accurate tracking is non-negotiable. Check out more small business bookkeeping tips to keep your finances under control.
  • E-commerce platforms like Shopify allow you to bypass wholesalers and directly sell to end-users. You maintain higher control over pricing and profits while forging connections with buyers who prefer a transparent supply chain.

And as advocates of sustainable practices, farmers can also explore the global adoption of renewable energy to cut costs while contributing to environmental health.

Case Studies: Inspirations from the Field

Digital marketing success at Ever.Ag

Ever.Ag built a case study proving that precision farming tools improve both yield decisions and profits. Targeted digital campaigns influenced farmers to adopt systems that mitigated risks like price volatility and poor climate conditions. By blending education and outreach, they revolutionized agricultural marketing methods.

How Farmagain steered engagement

Farmagain boosted awareness by demonstrating the impact of precision agriculture tools like GroTron. By leveraging social media and storytelling, they connected with their target audience meaningfully, producing tangible growth in engagement and sales.

How to Maximize Your Farm’s Online Impact

Creating campaigns that resonate

Every farm has a backstory—it’s time you start sharing yours. Campaigns that reveal your commitment to the environment and to local communities build trust. Videos showing the care that goes into planting, harvesting, or feeding livestock can resonate with a wide audience. For more advanced ad strategies, explore effective PPC advertising tips.

Leverage user-generated content

Your customers can become your biggest advocates simply by sharing their experiences. If someone posts a recipe using your tomatoes or praises your free-range eggs, share it! Not only does it build trust, but it also provides free and authentic marketing.


Agriculture digital marketing is not just the way forward—it’s the only way to ensure your farm keeps up in today’s economy. As we’ve seen through real-world successes, whether it’s SEO, social media, or content marketing, digital tools bring remarkable opportunities to make your farm shine online. Start small. Optimize your website or post your first Instagram Reel. It’s these incremental efforts that transform farming businesses.

If you want to fast-track this journey, our team at Complete Controller can help you balance bookkeeping and implement marketing strategies that work. Modernizing your approach could be the biggest investment you make in your farm’s future.

Learn more about partnering with experts here. CorpNet. Start A New Business Now


Why is SEO important for farming businesses?

SEO improves how easily customers find your farm when they search online for products you offer, increasing both visibility and revenue.

How do social media platforms benefit farms?

Social media builds communities by allowing direct engagement with buyers. It’s a platform to effectively share stories, educate consumers and market products.

Do blogs work for agriculture marketing?

Absolutely! Blogs can explain topics like seasonal produce, how-tos, and reasons why buying locally strengthens communities, all of which build trust and interest in your farm.

Which tools work best for selling farm produce online?

Platforms like Shopify make creating an online store easy, allowing farmers to reach customers directly.

Can user-generated content really make a difference?

Yes. Testimonials, photos, or reviews from satisfied customers add credibility and act as free advertising for your farm products.


  1. Ever.Ag. “Revolutionizing Agriculture Marketing with Demand Gen Ads and ABM.”
  2. Spider AF. “Exposing Click Farms.”
  3. Lessburn. “Qualified Leads of Farmers through Digital Marketing.”
  4. Farmbrite.
  5. RInteractives. “Digital Marketing in Agriculture Sector.”
Cubicle to Cloud virtual business About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

Digital Transformation Playbook

Why do so many projects aimed at digital transformation fail before they have a chance to succeed? With its promise of a whole new operational paradigm, the idea of digital transformation is sweeping the corporate world like a tidal wave. However, the shocking failure rates reveal the harsh reality and compel us to ask, “Why do so many fail, and how can organizations successfully navigate this complex journey?”

There are many pitfalls of digital transformation, but they may be avoided. The key is realizing how carefully technology, culture, and strategy interact. Mistakes in these areas can jeopardize even the best-intentioned efforts, turning potential successes into stories of lessons learned.

Join us as we uncover the strategies that set apart success from failure in the digital revolution.

Common Misunderstandings About Digital Transformation

To penetrate the essence of digital transformation, it’s essential to navigate around several typical blunders that can morph an enterprising initiative into a cautionary tale, thereby reducing the digital transformation failure rate. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

  1. Leadership and vision: At the forefront is a need for more leadership commitment. Inadequate leadership can undermine the most well-intentioned digital transformation process. Leaders must do more than endorse; they must actively champion digital initiatives, ensuring that the entire organization is unified and advancing in concert.
  2. Cultural shift and employee buy-in: Digital transformation is as much about people as it is about technology. Ignoring company culture. Moreover, there needs to be more attention to internal engagement within the digital business, and failing to involve employees can breed resistance, decelerating or even stalling progress. It’s about integrating digital into the organization’s core, making it an intrinsic part of daily operations.
  3. Strategic alignment: Without a clear transformation management strategy that aligns digital transformation with long-term business objectives, organizations risk pursuing technology for its own sake without a real purpose. It’s not just about deploying new technology; it’s about transforming processes, culture, and customer experiences to propel the business units forward. This strategic alignment ensures that digital transformation initiatives become integral parts of the organization’s journey toward innovation and growth.

By avoiding digital transformation pitfalls, businesses can more effectively navigate the complexities of digital transformation, transforming potential obstacles into stepping stones toward success. This proactive approach minimizes the chances of transformation failure, setting the stage for a smoother journey.

The Importance of Leadership and Vision

In the quest to sidestep digital transformation failure, the role of leadership, particularly that of transformation leaders, cannot be overstated. Here’s how leaders can steer the ship toward success:

  • Clarify Vision and Align Goals: Leaders must chart the course by developing a crystal-clear digital strategy. Digital transformation goals harmonizing with the company’s overarching objectives are crucial. This clarity helps align digital initiatives with business goals and is a beacon guiding the organization’s transformation journey.
  • Cultivate a Digital-First CulturePlanting a garden of innovation requires leaders to foster a digital-first mindset across the organization, leveraging digital technologies to enhance user experiences. This involves encouraging innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning, transforming the organization into a vibrant ecosystem where ideas flourish and everyone is geared towards unlocking the workforce’s full potential.
  • Embrace and Lead ChangeNavigating the digital landscape with an Agile approach, senior executives must be adaptable, anticipate roadblocks, and lead by example. They must visualize how technology, beyond legacy systems, can revolutionize internal processes and customer experiences. This vision extends beyond introducing mobile apps—it’s about reimagining customer journeys and core business processes for a digital age. Leaders should embody the spirit of continuous learning, stepping outside their comfort zones, and championing a culture that celebrates innovation.

By weaving together a robust transformation strategy with leadership support, leaders can lay a strong foundation for a successful digital transformation, turning potential pitfalls into stepping stones toward innovation and growth. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Cultural Resistance and Change Management

It is overcoming the hurdle of cultural resistance and managing change. Implementing an effective change management strategy is akin to navigating a ship through stormy seas. Leadership is critical in keeping your vessel steady and on course.

  • Enable & engage

    1. Begin with comprehensive IT training programs, ensuring employees have the necessary digital skills. This proactive approach boosts confidence and mitigates the fear of the unknown.
    2. Maintain wide-open channels of communication. Employees can voice concerns and feel heard by offering ongoing support channels bolsters internal engagement and fosters a strong sense of ownership.
  • Empower & elevate

    1. Make the digital transformation process inclusive by integrating employee feedback into decision-making. When employees have a say, they’re more invested and likely to recognize the value of change.
    2. Highlight the value for customers. Clearly articulate the benefits of digital transformation, from streamlining operations to enhancing customer experiences, making the change less daunting and more appealing.
  • Navigate & celebrate

    1. Recognize that fear of job loss or changes in job roles can cause resistance. Tackle these concerns head-on by involving employees in transition plans and emphasizing skill development as part of your change management strategy.
    2. Don’t forget to celebrate digital transformation successes and milestones. This boosts morale and fosters an innovation culture, encouraging continuous improvement and adaptation.

By integrating digital transformation process strategies with a dash of empathy and a sprinkle of encouragement, organizations can overcome resistance, clearing the path for a successful digital transformation journey.

Strategic Alignment and Business Objectives

Understanding and committing to digital transformation goals is the cornerstone of avoiding failure in this arena, acting as the bridge between ambitious digital objectives and measurable business outcomes. Here’s a comprehensive guide on fortifying that crucial connection:

  • Set clear objectives

    • Define SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) objectives that mirror your business goals
    • Create KPIs that track progress and impact, aligning them meticulously with your objectives. 
  • Embrace a holistic approach

    • Recognize that a digital transformation project is not merely an IT endeavor but a comprehensive business strategy that necessitates aligning technology with your business model, refining processes, and achieving strategic goals.
    • Consider the projected growth, diversification plans, and organizational changes to tailor your digital strategy effectively. This approach ensures your growth strategy is in harmony with evolving business models.
  • Foster cross-functional collaboration

    • Foster cross-departmental collaboration and promote teamwork across all levels. This means understanding each department’s KPIs, facilitating knowledge sharing, and setting unified goals to drive collective success.
    • Engage all stakeholders, from the C-suite to frontline employees, to ensure comprehensive understanding and support for how digital initiatives are a crucial complement to the broader business strategy.

This strategic alignment guarantees that digital transformation projects are not perceived as mere tech upgrades but are fundamental components of your organization’s innovation journey and growth.

Navigating Through the Hype of New Technologies

Embarking on the digital transformation journey with the allure of new technologies like Generative AI and cloud computing. 

To ensure a clear path, adopt a strategic approach and consider the following strategies:

  • Invest wisely & focus on the end user

    • Allocate resources to essential technologies that enhance customer experiences
    • Remember, integrating sustainability and ESG into your business is not a sprint to adopt the latest gadgets but a marathon toward long-term improvement and resilience.
  • The roadmap to digital mastery with generative AI

    • Initial Steps: Assess your current tech landscape and define clear objectives
    • Engagement & Planning: Involve stakeholders and apply design thinking for seamless technology integration
    • Execution & Evolution: When implementing new technologies, keep an eye on robust data management, stringent security, and uncompromising privacy while fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation.

Case Studies of Successful Digital Transformations

Embarking on a digital transformation journey can be daunting, as it involves significant changes to how an organization operates and utilizes technology—navigating through uncharted waters. Yet, we can learn from the trailblazers who have charted courses worth following by examining digital transformation case studies. Here’s a glimpse into their journeys:

  • Netflix flipped the script by transitioning from DVD rentals to dominating the streaming world within the entertainment industry, offering a buffet of movies, TV shows, and documentaries. This bold move not only redefined entertainment but also showcased the potential of e-commerce in transforming traditional business models. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault
  • Amazon took retail into the stratosphere with a concoction of data and automation, serving up personalized shopping experiences and AI-driven recommendations, all while keeping the supply chain tighter than a drum.
  • Starbucks ‘Digital Flywheel’ concept has been brewed up, enhancing rewards, personalization, and ordering through its app, all spiced up with AI for that perfect blend of technology and taste. This innovative approach incorporates the digital Flywheel and leverages AI to tailor experiences with a high degree of personalization.

These vignettes are not just digital transformation success stories; they showcase the power of innovation coupled with the strategic foresight to pivot and embrace technology. They prove that with the right approach, digital transformation can propel businesses into new realms of success.


Deciding to undergo digital transformation is like setting sail in uncharted waters; it’s fraught with hurdles, but success lies in meticulous planning, aligning with business objectives, and maneuvering through challenges. As we’ve dissected throughout, the crux of dodging failure hinges on a combination of strategic foresight, robust leadership, embracing cultural shifts, and aligning with overarching business objectives. When woven together, these elements not only steer organizations away from pitfalls but also gear them toward a trajectory of innovation and growth. This synthesis of insights urges companies to harness the collective wisdom and lessons shared, casting light on the routes that have led others to flourish in the digital landscape.

Moreover, the anecdotes of Netflix, Amazon, and Starbucks underline a common thread – the audacity to pivot, the zeal to innovate, and the vision to weave digital into their operational ethos. These stories are not just tales of triumph but beacons for businesses aspiring to transcend the traditional and forage into the digital dominion with conviction. As we wrap up, let this exploration serve as both a lighthouse and a compass, guiding toward thoughtful digital adoption enriched by a keen understanding of the underlying dynamics and a digital ethos that resonates with the very core of these successful entities.  




What are the common challenges faced during digital transformation?

One of the primary challenges in digital transformation is the resistance to change. This resistance often stems from a mindset that if something isn’t broken, there’s no need to fix or change it, as noted by expert Sarkar. Such an attitude can obstruct progress and stifle innovation, potentially posing a threat to the organization’s survival.

Why is the failure rate so high for digital transformation initiatives?

Approximately 70% of digital transformation efforts fail due to the absence of a comprehensive change management strategy. Change management is a systematic approach that supports individuals in adapting to organizational changes. Statistics show that organizations with a solid change management strategy are six times more likely to achieve their digital transformation objectives, highlighting the critical nature of embracing change to avoid the high digital transformation failure rate.

Can you identify common pitfalls in organizational transformation and suggest how to avoid them?

Several common pitfalls can derail transformation efforts, including:

  • Insufficient clear communication.
  • Neglecting the importance of stakeholder engagement.
  • Having an aversion to failure and avoiding taking risks.
  • Overlooking the well-being of employees.
  • Concentrating exclusively on technological aspects.
  • Trying to accelerate the transformation process too quickly.
  • A misalignment between the transformation efforts and overall business strategy.
  • Disregarding the importance of data and metrics in guiding decisions.

What are the potential obstacles to successful digital transformation and strategies for overcoming them?

The most frequent obstacles encountered during digital transformation include:

  • Resistance to change.
  • Communication and collaboration barriers within the organization.
  • Concerns about security.
  • Challenges in adopting new tools and processes.
  • Making the right technology choices.
  • Keeping pace with evolving customer needs.
  • Resource limitations.
  • Lack of a clear vision and strategic direction.

To overcome these barriers, organizations must develop strategies that address each of these issues, such as fostering a culture of change, improving internal communication, ensuring robust security measures, carefully selecting and implementing new technologies, understanding and responding to customer demands, allocating sufficient resources, and crafting a clear and coherent digital strategy. By overcoming digital transformation barriers and instituting security measures, companies can navigate the complexities of change more effectively.

Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

AI: Do Customers Approve?

The market for virtual assistants is booming. Due to the exponential growth in artificial intelligence technologies, devices capable of mimicking human interaction to execute tasks are becoming increasingly popular. Amazon’s Alexa and Echo, Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Google Assistant are popular virtual assistants. The development of this technology holds incredible potential for industries such as self-driving cars, home care, healthcare, and education.Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

This article will introduce what AI virtual assistants are, the reasons for their rise in usage, and what the future holds.

What is an AI Virtual Assistant?

An AI Virtual Assistant is a system capable of emulating human interaction to execute various tasks, from playing your favorite music to interacting with customers and solving their problems. Some technologies that have made this possible are machine learning, deep neural networks, and natural language understanding (NLU). As a result, the virtual assistant is capable of knowledge, reasoning, and understanding.

On top of that, there has been a rapid increase in the concept of augmented reality. Augmented reality is another technology that holds the same promise. Both technologies have the potential to revamp the retail world, with more and more customers demanding that there should be more significant investment in these.

Augmented reality juxtaposes digitally created elements with fundamental world elements in real-time. Using Augmented Reality technology, you can alter your perception of the natural world with the digital creations of the AR-enabled device.Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

According to figures by Statista, there is a steady growth in the market for Augmented Reality applications. It projects that by 2023, the total market will be worth over $18 billion. Moreover, it projects that worldwide spending on mobile applications with augmented reality will reach a value of $15.5 million in 2022.

The Rise in AI Virtual Assistants

Large companies across various industries are investing heavily in AI virtual assistant development. This technology isn’t just an add-on anymore. It’s a product. It also means that customers frequently use the technology. It is no longer a novelty feature.

As a result of this investment, the technology behind AI virtual assistants has been vastly improving, which has led to their success. Improvements in AI have led to the development of many kinds of virtual assistants, such as virtual employee assistants (VEAs), virtual customer assistants (VCAs), and virtual personal assistants (VPAs).

According to a report by Gartner, 25% of people working will be using virtual employee assistants by 2021. This percentage was below 2% in 2019.

The usage of virtual assistants spans many industries. For example, VPAs can help their consumers complete various personal tasks, like Apple’s Siri. Or they can provide an easily accessible interface for cars or homes connected to it. Another use of Virtual assistants that is gaining popularity is as sales or customer service agents. One of the primary reasons for this is virtual assistants’ sheer scalability and efficiency.CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Future Possibilities for AI Virtual Assistants

As the report by Gartner shows, the rise in the usage of virtual assistants has been recent but is proliferating. Given the speed at which the technology for AI Virtual Assistants develops, we can expect the following:

Greater Levels of Customization

You can customize the interactions between VAs and users to improve the experience. The customizations can include adapting the language and voice chosen for the assistants.  

Context Sensitivity

Technologies such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU) can make it possible for these virtual assistants to understand the deeper meaning behind a user’s words and establish relevant context. You can complete accomplishing tasks for people much more effortlessly.

Humanized Conversation

AI virtual assistants can have more humanized and meaningful conversations with their users.


Undoubtedly, AI virtual assistants are the wave of the future. As the technology behind VAs improves, they are bound to become an integral part of our lives. If you want to know more, visit our website! With the way companies invest in this, it’s only a matter of time before this becomes a reality.

Download A Free Financial ToolkitAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

New Domains and SEO?

When creating your website, choosing the right domain extension is essential as it significantly impacts SEO performance. Many studies suggest that extension names have a light impact on ranking, but they still have an effect. Features such as domain-level keywords and new extensions affect SEO in some way. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Effects of New Extensions on SEO

Whether new or old, all new domain names start at the same point when ranking on Google commences. SEO is a multi-level and complex procedure, but it has two areas where new extensions affect the rankings. 

  • Technical SEO

Technical SEO is a network of methods and processes that influence site optimization. It includes design, backlinks, scripts, loading time, content, etc. One of the most impactful parts of SEO is having a backlink from a reputed website. However, not all backlinks are equal. The text that a website uses to link to your pages is called anchor text, and it helps to determine the strength of a relative link in search engine algorithms. You have more impactful results in SEO when the URL and the keyword you try to match the anchor text. 

Domains with a keyword-rich extension can become more descriptive than .com or .net extensions. You get the optimal value for the link if the domain name matches the anchor text. It increases the chance of securing high-quality and on-topic backlinks to improve rankings

  • Process fluency

As marketers, we need to ensure that we control everything. That is why we use predictable and logical reactions from customers. However, a large portion is irrational and relies on cognitive emotions and behaviors; fluency is also among those factors. The business, due to fluency, influences the way in which the audience reacts to a business. It plays out in several ways regarding the domain name and new extensions. If your brand is easily pronounced with a short extension, it becomes credible and more trustworthy. The best way to increase extension fluency is to avoid using numbers, hyphens, and other special symbols. CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

New domain names, such as Store, Online, etc., become instantly recognized by a customer, and without looking twice, they know the nature of the business. The extension name also becomes a part of your overall brand image and easily resonates with a visitor’s mind. 

In addition, an extension’s pronunciation and simplicity help generate more clicks and increase the analytics results. 

How Do You Target the Correct Extension?

Selecting an extension that quickly establishes trust is one of the most challenging activities. For this purpose, we have some easy tips for you to consider. 

  • Target your Keyword

While placing a target keyword does not impact the SEO rankings, it still establishes relevancy for a visitor. If you look closely, Google always bolds the keywords that appear in extensions to make them more prominent.

  • Use your brand name

There are certain places where the target keyword is not the brand name. Only some lucky people have a brand name that is their keyword. The truth is Google’s algorithms value brands more than keywords. Brands are the solution to sort out and connect with the relevant audience.Download A Free Financial Toolkit

  • Increase relevancy

It is essential to increase the relevancy of an extension to communicate appropriately. The audience has a better chance of understanding and making sense of a business relevant to the industry or sector.

  • Always keep it short

The best way to make relevancy and reliability of an extension is to keep it short. Long extensions may seem valuable, but they quickly lose their charm and authority as people refrain from typing those long names. One or two words are enough to keep an extension short. 

  • Keep it industry-specific.

With so many extension options available, keeping it industry-related makes it instantly recognizable to the audience. If your brand is related to tech, then taking. As an extension, tech gives your audience an understanding of the business. It is always best to keep it industry-related for better recognition and relevancy.

Final Word

Using the right domain name has a minor impact on SEO performance but creates a significant chain reaction to influence other factors. Taking care of each extension according to relevancy, brand name, keywords, and other considerations ensures your business generates better visibility and engagement. 

ADP. Payroll – HR – BenefitsAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

Manage Business Cash

Cash flow is the backbone of your business, and it refers to the movement of funds internally and externally in your company. Cash is the ultimate priority when it comes to the financial management of a striving company. The delay between the times you’ve to pay your vendors and employees and the account payables you’ve to collect from the clients is the issue, and the solution is cash flow management. In other words, managing cash flow means lagging the outlays of cash to the maximum while motivating anyone who owes you money to repay it as soon as possible. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

They were comprehending that cash flow strategies are not glimpses into the future. They are the intelligent guesses that balance numerous factors, including your client’s payment history, your thoroughness in recognizing upcoming expenses, and your supplier’s patience. Watch out for concluding without justifying that you will receive account receivables at the same rate they have presently, and you can extend payables accordingly. 

You were skillfully managing cash flow to figure out when you’d have cash in your hands, how you could get more rapidly, and how to limit your business expenses to avoid cash flow problems. 

To avoid cash flow problems, you can implement the following pointers.  

Figuring Out the Disturbing Point 

Every business owner can identify the profitability of their business. It won’t necessarily affect the cash flow, but it will provide an initial goal to strive for a target required for proceeding with future cash flow. Negative cash flow and constant losses lead to depression, so understanding the breakeven point is essential. Focus on managing the cash flow and successfully reaching your profitability goals. 

Modernized Accounts System

You must have an updated accounting system installed for sound cash flow management. The data is processed frequently to anticipate account receivables, accounts payable aging, liabilities, and cash in hand. Reviewing the balances helps you quickly determine your business cash flow, opportunities, and trends. 

Set Your Fees and Prices Appropriately 

Essentially, be mindful of your set price or fees. If you offer an exceptional service that your competitors don’t, you must never hesitate to set your price at a premium. Secondly, utilize online invoicing with digital credit card payment to ensure instant payment. The slight waste to credit card fees is more than neutralized by quicker collection. Lastly, get a commercial line of credit from your potential bank to save the money required during the slower selling times.CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Trust a Financial Expert 

Trusting a financial expert to manage the internal and external cash flow is essential. Typically, an accountant has nothing to do but analyze the business through spreadsheets. However, their duty is far from this. Assigning cash flow management to a financial expert is necessary for business owners. Not only is this decision transferring wise, but an accountant can also introduce new perspectives that you wouldn’t have otherwise as a business owner. Treat yourself by hiring a professional accountant to do most of the monetary tasks. 

Tracking and Analyzing Operations 

The best way of managing the cash flow is to analyze it thoroughly and track it constantly. Sometimes, you’ll identify that you might not need a specific tool or subscription. Automation is still a better choice than hiring a professional accountant.Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

Consider Annual Services

Evaluate any premium services you bought annually and even pay for the services you no longer need. Reconsider the services according to your requirements and make sure if you need any other tool or software. 

Often, entrepreneur experiences tremendous uncertainties in their expected cash projections with the cash flows. Many of them find it daunting to budget their finances when it happens because they have failed to comprehend the scenario. 

Intelligent business owners determine the cash flow drops early. One of the easiest ways to tackle cash flow drops is to invest in cash flow management software. Cash flow management makes tracking all the incoming and outgoing cash flow effortless. 

Cubicle to Cloud virtual businessAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Manufacturing Impacts

The manufacturing sector is a significant part of the global economy and accounts for nearly 16% of the worldwide GDP. As a result, governments across countries focus primarily on encouraging the manufacturing sector. Specific initiatives in emerging economies promote the manufacturing industry, including Made in China and Made in India, but the effects of the manufacturing industry on the economy and the environment. Let us discuss the two aspects individually to understand the impact of the manufacturing sector.ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Environmental Effects of Manufacturing

The question should be how factories affect the environment, but there is no question that factories significantly damage the environment. It has been claimed that factories are responsible for 2/3rd of the pollution in the background.

As a result, dangerous materials and toxic waste deteriorate the environment, threatening the ecosystem and people’s health. Countries that make consumer goods or produce raw materials will be affected environmentally by old-fashioned behaviors—making garments and getting rid of waste into the rivers that kill the fish, rivers getting green algae, and impacting the lives of people living around the rivers.

Industrial factories play a big part in the air pollution that we, as global citizens, must endure. The toxic gases released into the air, combined with those released through automobiles or roads, mean an increased risk of developing chronic respiratory, heart disease, lung cancer, and many other illnesses. Air pollution also affects wildlife, which could make many species extinct.

Factories also cause water pollution, which deteriorates life underwater. Illegal dumping of contaminated gases, heavy metals, waste, radioactive material, and chemicals into rivers and seas causes damage to marine life and deteriorates the environment. Not all factories are responsible for water pollution, but those in less regulated parts of the world tend to dump their toxic waste into rivers as it is cheaper.LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Finally, soil pollution pollutes the earth’s soil as industrial waste is thrown into landfills. These toxic materials and chemicals destroy the soil’s fertility, decrease crop productivity, and contaminate food consumed by millions of people worldwide.

Economic Effects of Manufacturing

Manufacturing has many important links with other sectors throughout the economy. Therefore, its impact stimulates economic activity more than other sectors. Studies suggest that manufacturing industries have a multiplier effect: positive developments have exponential returns, and harmful activities have an overall deterioration.

The manufacturing industry also employs 10% of the global workforce, providing jobs to people at all professional levels. 21st-century productivity and automation gains prevent manufacturing employment as a percentage of total work from approaching the halcyon days of the 50s.

According to the sectoral multiplier effect, companies and industries are known for giving the economy the biggest bang for the buck. Every dollar output by this sector generates a particular economic activity across society. Purchasing and sales transactions lead to the direct and indirect need for resources and employment, which benefit other facets of society.

Because manufacturing has many important links, as mentioned earlier. That is one of the significant reasons manufacturers play a critical role in a country’s economic growth. As the factory outputs increase, it requires more inputs from utilities, mining, and suppliers, creating jobs and other opportunities in other sectors that use its products. The manufacturing industry has strong connections with retail, construction, and transportation. It also spurs growth in services such as transportation and finance.Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Based on an earlier projection in 2021 by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), the annual input-output tables have estimated that a dollar worth of final demand for manufacturers generates $1.48 in other services and products. It is higher than any other sector in the business industry. The wholesale and retail sectors have lower multipliers, generating 54 and 58 cents, respectively, in other additional inputs for every dollar of economic activity they generate.

All in All

The manufacturing sector has a huge role to play not only in the economy but also in our well-being as a society. I hope you now better understand how the manufacturing sector contributes to economic development and growth.

Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping ExpertsAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.CorpNet. Start A New Business Now