Whether you are attending college straight out of high school or going back to obtain a degree, you have to cover expenses associated with college, such as tuition, textbooks, a computer, and general college school supplies. Not to mention other expenses related to college that are more indirect, such as housing or transportation.
Obtaining financing to cover college expenses can be a challenge. However, if you know what is available, you can plan to get assistance with college expenses and make your future brighter.
Here are seven ways to finance college and cover the related expenses.
Company Tuition Reimbursement
Many corporations promote from within the company. Often, a degree will be required when moving to higher positions and management, so many companies offer full or partial tuition reimbursement if an employee pursues a work-related degree. Some companies will provide some reimbursement for non-related degrees. However, you will not know unless you ask.
Grants and Scholarships
When applying to college during the admissions process, admissions specialists can help you determine grants and scholarships to apply for and give you valuable information on the process. There are also many smaller scholarships and grants you can apply for online. Also, check with the college financial aid office; grants and scholarships should be applied for every year you are in college.
Community College
Many community colleges offer valuable four-year degrees. Even if the degree you seek is specialized, community college is great for getting an associate’s degree and getting the basic required classes out of the way at a lower cost. If you complete your degree at a state or private college before beginning community college, ensure your credits will transfer.
Free or Used Textbooks
Besides tuition, textbooks are one of the most significant school expenses. There are a few options to keep textbooks and required reading costs at a minimum.
- Check availability at the school or local library
- Search for websites and apps that offer free ebook books and textbooks
Share Costs with Other Students
- Check with the school. Some have textbook and book exchange programs
- Check used book sites and stores to get the books and textbooks at discounted prices
- Search for sites or stores that rent books and textbooks
Minimizing Computer Costs
Even if you already have a desktop computer, most college students opt for a laptop for school. Laptops have gained popularity due to portability and the ability to use them in class for notes and recording. There are ways to keep the costs of purchasing a laptop to a minimum.
- Keep it basic; most lower-cost laptops will meet the needs of a student
- Purchase a refurbished computer; they are often like new and come with limited warranties
- Look for rebates, student discounts, or back-to-school sales
- Shop at a pawn shop or second-hand electronics store
Minimizing the Costs of Supplies
Other school supplies are needed for college students, such as pens, highlighters, notebooks, and other items specific to certain classes, i.e., scientific calculators. Many stores offer discounts to students. You can also look for sales and coupons; some supplies can be bought and used as students may only need them for a limited time.
Taking Online Classes and CLEP Testing
Many accredited schools offer online courses. Because overhead is low to conduct these classes, they can be less costly for a student. The only drawback to going to college online is that it is self-directed, and some students may need the structure of a classroom to excel.
Many colleges not only offer online courses but also accept CLEP credits from CLEP testing. CLEP (College-Level Examination Program) tests allow students to test out many courses needed to earn an associate’s degree. Each exam costs under $100, significantly less than a school semester. Check with your school if they accept CLEP credits before taking the exams.
In conclusion, the financial challenges associated with college can be daunting, but there are practical strategies to alleviate the burden. From leveraging company tuition reimbursement to exploring grants and scholarships, attending community college, and minimizing expenses on textbooks, computers, and supplies, students can make informed choices. Opting for online classes and CLEP testing further expands affordable alternatives. By being resourceful and proactive in seeking assistance, individuals can navigate the financial landscape of higher education, ensuring a brighter future without compromising on quality.