Manage Expenses = Buy Dream House

One of the biggest dreams of many people is getting out of the rent and buying their own home. However, this requires a lot of planning, savings, and personal budget control. It is possible to count on some applications for mobile that allow managing the revenues and the expenses of the family.

Here, we list the top spending control applications that help with monthly budget planning. Keep following the reading and find out what they are right now!

  1. Travel guide

It is an application for iOS and Android and is also available for browsers. To use it, the user only needs to create his profile and enter the Internet banking data to synchronize all the transactions made automatically. It is worth mentioning that it is possible to register different bank accounts for the same user. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

The classification of expenses by group – purchases, markets, bars, and restaurants, among others – is done automatically by the app. In addition, it allows you to create a monthly budget as a goal and track the progress of the plan drawn. You can also view a chart that tells you which categories of money spend is more significant and how much you have in the month, taking all your revenue and expenses into account. In addition to helping you control spending, this app enables you to make financial planning based on your monthly budget.

  1. Moni

This spending-control application has a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy to use. However, it is only available for iOS.

The Moni has one of the most agile ways of recording income and expenses. However, it requires manual registration of the groups. The main screen displays a red button with a negative symbol (for expense information) and a green button with a positive sign (for revenue data). In addition, the user can add information to the postings, which helps differentiate expenses. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

  1. Finance

Finance is available for both iOS and Android. It allows the user to control expenses and revenues simply because of its intuitive interface. It displays various expense categories using icons that help illustrate the cost group to do the record more quickly. To use the app, click on the icons and register each post manually.

It even allows the visualization of a chart that points out all the revenues and expenses every month, which helps create and better control financial planning.

  1. Finance plus

The Finance Plus was developed exclusively for users using the Windows Phone platform and is free. It allows the user to post all the postings that are credited or debited from their account. In addition, it will enable you to view a monthly summary and back up your releases to OneDrive. It works from version 7.5 of Windows Phone.

  1. Wally +

Available for iOS and Android, Wally + is an expense control application that lets users know which categories their money is going to most. To use it, you first must register and inform the salary and date of payment. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Once this step is complete, you can begin to plan budgets – daily and monthly – and the application informs you of the evolution of spending over the weeks. In addition, it allows you to scan purchase receipts, which gives the user a digital version and does not need to accumulate paper to control each purchase.

  1. Organize

Organize can be used on the iOS and Android platforms. The great advantage of this application is that it allows access to finance even if the device has no connection to the internet. The interface is simple and very intuitive, which makes it very easy to use.

All postings are manual. However, any user changes to the application will update with the version available to the browser.

  1. My savings

The My Savings has versions for both iOS and Android platforms and the web. To get started with this app, you must create a profile and set up your account. It is possible to consult the balance of the bank accounts registered and register new revenues, expenses, transfers, and installments. In addition, you can make notes in the app and still make online transactions.

Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Organizations Still Aren’t Data-Driven

We will discuss how to use data on the organizational level so more people can get help from data analysis.

The data hunger is excellent; nobody says no to extra information. The only issue is that organizations often don’t know how to transform data into actionable insights once they start collecting data. During our last Innovation Thursday webinar, we discovered what it takes. Get started to realize your data’s potential, which is strategically important in a data-driven world.

Not knowing the best method to read, understand, and turn data into intelligent actions can cost a business dearly. Lost opportunities, lower efficiency, productivity, quality problems, etc., make no one happy. Yet about 60% to 73% of all data within a company would go unused (Forrester). LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

It is a shame that the stars have never been so good for Smart Data. A recent report by McKinsey shows that 58% of organizations are exploring the possibilities of Smart Data in almost all sectors. Underlying trends such as the Internet of Things, cheap data storage, and the immense cloud computing power ensure that companies can fully utilize the added value.

When surveying those organizations about what they want to use intelligent data for, we see many different applications. Frontrunners improve current products and services, optimize business processes, and automate tasks to give employees more creative space. Businesses can create new value in almost all areas of an organization with the proper management and use of data. Value creation is not the only advantage; companies also see their revenues increase and their costs decrease simultaneously by using data better.

Where to Start? Discover the Data-Driven PlatformADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

How do you start turning data into actionable insights? First and foremost, it is required to understand how such a process works and what it takes. We speak of a data-driven platform if all these steps are combined. During the webinar, it became clear that about 60% of the attendees were still looking for this.

In short, it is about a platform that receives data, which processes, reworks, combines, and enriches it to generate results/output ultimately. The network and its components create a picture of the significant steps your data can (but not always have to) go through. If we zoom in further, we distinguish from left to right the different ‘silos’ through which data moves. It is important to note that these are not actual silos; they often overlap or even partially overlap.

For example, we first look at data capture. From where does data come? Which existing data sources are available? Is data delivered live? Is there batch processing? What about unreliable data sources if a sensor fails, for example? In short, which qualitative data is valid?

Afterward, or simultaneously (remember: no silos), you look at the storage options. Is it about data that already contains a lot of structure (for example, users can transfer this to relational databases), or just not? Is it textual data? Video? Audio? Scannable documents? All these kinds of questions will impact how you construct your data platform. Usually, there is no wrong answer, and different data stores are combined. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

The data is stored correctly and securely. And what now? Now, you can get started effectively. Many people see this as the black box of the process; it is a more than necessary step, but it remains very technical and, therefore, less susceptible. Data engineers are working with machine learning and data mining models. They pour specific business logic into formulas and models; in this way, they build an intelligent layer on top of the existing data.

The final interpretation occurs through dashboards (real-time or not) and visualizations using Microsoft Power BI reporting. Think, for example, of reports with analyses of the sales figures or cluster analyses of the customer base. You can also feed systems with these insights and automatically act based on those results.

Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Increase Web Traffic with Voice Search

What Is Meant By Voice Search?

Voice search is a technology that allows users to search by voice instead of typing keywords into search engines. The best-known and most-used voice search technology is Google Voice Search, which uses the principles of Natural Language Processing (NLP) to simulate human hearing and reasoning. Also present in intelligent artificial assistants like Siri (Apple) and Cortana (Microsoft), audio technology uses human speech recognition to precisely understand what you’re saying. That is, you say what you want to search, and Google gives you an answer. Lovely, isn’t it? CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Voice search further proves that the user experience (UX) should be valued. The more customers use this technology, the more adaptations you must make to digital marketing strategies to meet their demands. Before we understand how voice search impacts your communication with the user and your business results, let’s know why people prefer to search by voice.

What Are The Impacts Of Voice Search On SEO Strategies?

When thinking about voice search, we must remember that this technology changes three main factors in users’ behavior: how they search, where they search, and what they search. The keywords used in voice search have been much longer than in typing search. That’s because they bring a tone more like a real conversation. In other words, it’s a more human language and less a computer language.

Naturally, you answered the first sentence because that’s how you would say it if you were looking for information online. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business Note that we bring here the verb to speak as the central point of the question. And why do we emphasize this verb in the context of internet search? Because we are facing a solid trend in the digital world, which directly impacts SEO strategies. We are talking about voice search, or voice search, as it is known internationally.

Let’s go back to the example we brought up above. It shows that users are increasingly looking for humanization in their relationship with technology (content humanization is one of the 2019 trends for digital marketing). A person is much more likely to say, “What are the 2019 trends for digital marketing?” than “2019 digital marketing trends”.

This way, research becomes complete and is not limited to head or short tails. The more you explore the semantic field in content writing, the more value your content. It includes using words from the same family or interest group and answering questions using long tails. You can rank a single page for different voice searches by doing this. A Google report says people generally look for information and nearby establishments. In a worldwide context, searches with the expression “near me now” grew around 150%. Think that if a person is on the street and wants to eat when using the voice search, he will say, “Which restaurant is closest to me?” and click on the first results that appear. Or, if a customer searches for “Where is the furniture store closest to me?” they will find results that answer their question. If you own a business establishment, it is much more efficient to be ranked by Google when working the keywords “close to me” and “close to me” in your content. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

How To Improve Keyword Usage From Voice Search?

  1. Develop keywords with more natural language, just as a person would speak. Remember that the searchers are human beings and not robots.
  2. Since the idea is to simulate a conversation, develop longer keywords in spoken sentence format, with about five words or more.
  3. Invest in keywords in the form of questions. If a person doubts something, it is more common for him to do a voice search with questions than to state something. At this point, consider that the words “who,” “where,” “what,” “when,” and “how” are used a lot. So, insert these words into your content essay.

What Are SEO Strategies To Optimize Content For Voice Search?

Produce content with a more human and natural voice and always clear language. If your content needs to be more detailed or technical, break it into smaller chunks so anyone quickly understands it. For your website to rank up on the Google page, in the snippet feature, produce a concise paragraph, with up to 29 words, with information on your main content. Google quickly reads site sections containing hashtags, lists, and topics. Also, be sure to include long-tail keywords in the snippet feature.

Download A Free Financial Toolkit About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

What Is Asset Liability Management

The Asset Liability Management (ALM) process helps a company manage its assets and liabilities in such a way as to avoid loss due to defaulting in the repayment of liability. It allows management to monitor assets and cash flows to provide the best advantage to the company and increases the chances of the company securing future loans. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

Asset Liability Management not only helps businesses with risks related to currency and liquidity but also helps maximize profit on assets, creating a surplus. Therefore, it is also called surplus management. Asset Liability Management makes its decisions by reviewing past and recent performance through financial statements using indicators to make a financial decision accordingly and in the business’s or the bank’s best interest. The funding strategy is also concerned with countering liquidity issues and increasing the rate of return.

Uses of Asset Liability Management

Gap Management: A change in the interest rate causes a gap between the assets and liability. This gap ends up creating Sensitive Rate Assets and Rate Sensitive Liabilities. You can reduce such gaps by making time bands, checking, and matching assets and liabilities after completing each time band, optimizing the earnings of the current economic cycle.

Meeting the Liquidity Needs: The primary purpose of Asset Liability Management is to make the assets available whenever needed. This method maximizes profit by allocating the assets to the department that needs it the most and where its utilization will be the most cost-effective.

Alteration: The method of alteration by the asset management tool helps the business reduce the risk imposed on the company through the balance sheet. It does not eliminate the risk but allows the company to manage and reduce it. Download A Free Financial Toolkit


A banking institution deals with a massive number of transactions regularly. Such an enormous number of transactions increases its chances of having risks on the balance sheet. Therefore, banks try to find a balance to prevent themselves from risk in case of a sudden change in the interest rates. A bank must fix the interest rate on its funding; otherwise, banks will incur a significant loss if the interest rates increase higher than the charged rates. Moreover, banks are exposed to the risks related to foreign exchange rate fluctuation and currency depreciation. Therefore, banks make use of Assets Liability Management to manage such risks because they cannot be prevented but can only managed. ALM helps banks manage liquidity, risk analysis, future projection, and capital planning while mitigating risks.

Business Use

Asset Liability Management tools help the company find the best funding structure using an analysis of the company’s dynamics. Every company has a core product in which it uses some material, causing the material to be its essential material. A management tool like ALM helps the company forecast the fluctuation in the prices of the core material and make decisions accordingly. Moreover, it helps businesses make decisions by reviewing past and recent performance through financial statements, performance indicators, and consideration of company goals and interests. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Seven factors revolve around the asset liability management cycle and are necessary for smooth operational activities. They are data collection, cash flow evaluation, portfolio architecture, result monitoring, decision making, risk/revenue evaluation, and strategy development. Asset liability management refers to capital development and transformation, including gap financing, cash flow, and interest rate analysis.

Asset Liability Management and Market Environment

ALM and other modules offer a certain way to help you manage the environment market:

  • Instruments costs and dividends
  • Indexes, yield curves, and credit spread curves
  • Foreign exchange trading rates
  • Stock indexes
  • Interactive broker rates
  • Implied volatility
  • Bond baskets for future
  • Table of life for insurance instruments
  • Eligibility for providers
  • Multiple market application
LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

What are Financial Statements?

Financial statements, also known as annual accounts, are documents or reports that show a company’s economic and financial information in a structured manner. This information includes assets and debts, financial results obtained, income, and cash outflows.

Financial statements are essential because they present economic and financial information in a structured way, allow you to interpret and analyze this information, and make decisions that benefit the company based on that analysis.

These documents are required and used by the company’s owners, shareholders, and executives to determine assets and liabilities management, profits generation, losses suffered, and cash flow management. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Also, financial statements are required and used by people or entities external to the company, such as:

  • Investors: to know the profitability of the company and determine investment participation
  • Government entities: to know the results the company obtained and calculate taxes that must be paid
  • Banks and financial institutions: to determine if the company will be able to repay the loan you and decide an approval
  • Suppliers: to know the creditworthiness of the company and establish a working relationship or credit relationship

Balance Sheet

The balance sheet shows a company’s assets, liabilities, and equity at a given time.

The balance sheet allows you to analyze the assets and liabilities within a company, including how much was invested, where funds were invested, liabilities management, and earnings.

Statement of Income

The income statement, or profit and loss statement, income statement, or profit and loss account, shows the income, expenses, and results a company has experienced during a specific period, generally one year.

The income statement is helpful because it allows you to review income and expenses, and so you can determine income generation, growth potential, or unnecessary expenses.  CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Cash Flow

The cash flow statement shows the cash inflows and outflows you experienced within a given period. It allows you to examine how your company has obtained and spent income and what amount is available at the end of that period. This information lets you determine whether to buy additional merchandise or apply for credit.

Other Financial Statements

The balance sheet, the income statement, and the cash flow are the main financial statements; however, there are others that are beneficial to compile and review:

  • Statement of changes in equity: The statement of changes in equity, or surplus statement, shows changes in equity within a given period. These changes include variations in contributions made by the partners or shareholders of the company and changes in the use or distribution of the profits.
  • Statement of changes in the financial situation: The statement of changes in the financial situation, also known as the statement of movements of funds, shows the origin of funds and movement during a determined period. Download A Free Financial Toolkit
  • Memory: Memory, or notes of financial statements, presents information that helps expand the information in the other financial statements. Memory additionally explains relevant information that could be difficult to interpret or analyze.

Types of Financial Statements

Financial statements are usually classified according to their functionality:

  • Projected financial statements: These are financial statements that show projected figures, that is, figures that have been predicted for a date or period in the future. They are used to project the results achieved in the future and determine if the company will be profitable.
  • Audited financial statements: These are financial statements whose information has been reviewed and verified by independent auditors or public accountants. They are required when a company is listed on the stock exchange.
  • Consolidated financial statements: These are financial statements presented by different companies or independent bodies as if they were a single entity. They are used to analyze a multinational company financially.
Cubicle to Cloud virtual business About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

6 Bookkeeping Trends

Your business will only progress if you stay in the competition, which is only possible by keeping track of the constantly changing drifts and keeping up with the latest trends. If we talk about the bookkeeping trends, they are not slowing down any sooner, and one must keep pace with them.

Technology has taken over the entire world; the word itself means development. It is reshaping businesses and industries in the modern setup. Take the worldwide crisis of COVID-19 into account; it has transformed almost everything, including systems and processes, and changed manual tasks into automated jobs, from the traditional ways of working to now an increased dependency on digital technology like online schooling, work-from-home businesses, etc. Digital industries are evolving increasingly, and now businesses, big or small, depend more on remote bookkeepingCorpNet. Start A New Business Now

With prevailing technology and the evolving IT industry, a paradigm shift has occurred, and businesses operate more efficiently and effectively.

The six key bookkeeping trends that young entrepreneurs and small businesses can use in the coming years follow.

Bulk Data Transfers

Today, data doesn’t mean numbers and figures, which accountants have dealt with for decades. It also includes amorphous numbers that can be analyzed through natural language processing. It works like a fuel driving various transforming finance and accounting in the fourth industrial revolution through swiftly changing technology trends. The audit process has also been digitalized now. These reforms are vital and help generate more revenue by improving internal operations. Now, it’s no big deal to transform numbers and figures, i.e., date in bulk, and save considerable time and extra effort. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Majority Of SMEs Shifting to The Cloud

Many small businesses and medium-sized enterprises adopt cloud-based computing services, also known as software as a service or SaaS; they allow users access to various software applications that run on shared computing resources. It is not only user-friendly but convenient as well. You can use different software like QuickBooks and Xero for this purpose; however, every user has their requirements and can choose any such digital software according to his demands. 

Data Analytics

Data analytics is one of many rising trends in technology that helps to reach fresh, innovative, and valuable insights from your existing data. This helps to bring the faults and deviations of your technology into sight. While it also provides solutions to deal with them. All of this is possible in less time now due to analytics. It also offers detailed and actionable statistics that help to build trust among your clients.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence can help accountants and bookkeepers to be more productive and efficient. Robotic process automation or algorithms allow machines or AI workers to finish lengthy and time-consuming tasks in significantly less time. These machines also help reduce manual labor, reducing the chances of high costs and errors. Modern technologies have altered client’s expectations of businesses and corporations. Clients demand high-level accuracy and more efficient jobs since AI has made things more precise. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Improvement in Inventory Tracking and Management

With the increasing use of the internet and the development of modern technology and devices combined with artificial intelligence, communication and operation can occur without much human assistance. Now, professional financers can track their transactions and other records in real-time. Audits have become much more streamlined due to this uninterrupted monitoring. Inventory tracking has become more accessible, and checking and managing the right amount of available supply (in a business stock) is not a problem. 

Learning Bookkeeping is No Biggie

Thanks to technology and the internet, every piece of information is available online, and with a single click, one can search for anything. Online video tutorials are a big help, and beginners and entrepreneurs running either small or low funds can get help from these software programs.

Bookkeeping trends will keep changing and evolving in the future, and you can only succeed in your business if you keep pace with these shifting trends.

ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Formulate Your Business for AR

No matter how big or small, every businessperson loves to maintain a level of focus on business targets. Entrepreneurs now realize the importance of using technology to achieve goals. Not only that, but they also learn how innovative tech helps companies achieve the impossible. Training is a must for all employees, and companies realize why. Organizations ask managers to develop innovative training programs based on meeting the upcoming challenges resulting from organizational changes. Cutting-edge tech tools like augmented reality are becoming increasingly common. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Why Use Technology For Training?

It is where innovative technology comes into play. Using Augmented reality for employee training is the way forward. Sooner or later, companies will use it as a matter of requirement. Knowing this helps managers realize what and how they are required to do:

Identifying The Requirements

Is there a need to introduce new technology for employee training? If old procedures were working great, where does the new training method come into play? Businesses must ask questions like these before incorporating new technology. Firstly, the company hierarchy must identify the need to induct the latest technology. The company hierarchy will ask questions like these so they know if there is a need to incorporate the tech or not. Managers will revisit previous employee training methods and check for the possibility of integrating with AR. The idea is to provide better technology to pave the way for proper training. Accustoming employees to modern methods of training is equally important. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Identifying Training Targets

In the second phase, the management will identify the company’s targets by revisiting training regimes. Incorporating AR will improve training remarkably. It will pave the way for new possibilities and help employees learn interactively. The AR will effectively replace previous technologies for good.

Gaining Momentum

Did you know that augmented reality is by no means a new technology? It has been around for decades, albeit it maintained a low profile. AR was the brainchild of Howard University computer scientist Ivan Sutherland. The far-reaching implications of this technology were evident. They have been using the tech for decades very seldom. The possibilities were endless, being mindful of its capabilities

It combines hardware with software and produces a simulated environment. The visual effects are cutting-edge, and it can use different types of software, be it gaming, training, or simulation. IDC estimates that AR combined with VR is an 18-billion-dollar industry that will likely continue growing.

Steps To Introduce AR

As discussed, businesses around the world are welcoming new technologies. These companies are willing to accommodate changes if necessary. Introducing new technology is as good as implementing a change. Steps are implemented to ensure the tech correctly implements the organization’s structure. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Providing AR To Users

After introducing the technology to users, the next step is to continue with the assessment. Augmented reality is flexible enough to be incorporated into different situations if needed. The ability to produce demonstrations to meet various conditions is where AR tech comes in handy. It is worth noting that AR is a technology that was designed with versatility in mind. That’s why it stands out when used for negotiating with different scenarios. It is dynamic and has the flexibility to perform.

Building an innovative AR experience is essential for training. Employees will get a hold of the technology once they have studied it. Trainers can help them with the tech by explaining how to use it properly. Training using the VR may take some time, but they’ll love it once they get used to it. An immersive experience is where employees learn the most. Initial states may call for an audit of the technology necessary for removing caveats and gaps. These are common obstacles when a new technology is presented for employee training.

Each time a versatile tech such as AR is handled, these gaps will occur as the training program may be specific, whereas the technology used is dynamic and has a broader scope. Identifying this using auditing techniques is necessary, as it will help companies properly use the tech and eliminate possible gaps.

Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Concerns Over Cash Flow Management

Cash flow management for a small and medium-sized enterprise isn’t a piece of cake. There can be leakages and eleventh-hour requirements, leading to mismanagement of cash flow and an imbalanced balance sheet. 

Better cash flow management is pivotal to any business’s smooth running. Particularly, companies in the start-up phase cannot afford poor direction of cash flow as it can directly impact their reputation with lenders and creditors and adversely affect business functionalityCubicle to Cloud virtual business

Cash flow management determines how much money is coming in and going out of the business, which can help prevent the liquidity problems a company can face in the future if your business is constantly spending rather than earning. For all businesses, especially small businesses, it is necessary to have enough money to pay creditors and avoid extended cash shortages, mainly because of a considerable difference between cash inflows and outflows.

Here are some of the top concerns and potential solutions for managing cash flow for small and medium-sized businesses. 

High Amount of Credit Dealing

This is usually the case with manufacturers and wholesalers. Most buyers typically work on a minus-one crediting formula. It is quite a risky situation. If the buyer runs out of money or fails to resell the stock or whatever happens, there’s a high chance of delay in payments or no payments at all. It causes many issues for the manufacturer or sellers and can lead to asset liquidation or even bankruptcy. While there may not be an apparent solution since the entire industry runs on credit, here’s what you can do.  LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Credit insurance is a viable solution to protect businesses against non-paying clients. Remember the college security deposits you had to pay at private institutions? Credit insurance works exactly like that. Your crediting clients deposit a set amount of money before entering your credit dealings. If the debtor cannot pay off your dues because they are bankrupt or facing cash flow problems, you can always utilize the credit insurance money and pay them back later once and if they pay you the due amount. It can further help you manage your cash flows easily and prepare you if your debtor is going to be a bad debt.

Loans with High-Interest Rates

High-interest loans are another critical concern for small and medium-sized businesses regarding cash flow management. A high debt causes difficulty in managing the cash flows and is a common problem a company faces. A high-priced loan with higher interest rates from the bank can disrupt the cash flow if the sales targets are not meeting requirements. 

The best solution to having extensive debts can be refinancing your loans. Refinancing the loans means replacing the high-interest-rate loan with a lower-interest-rate loan, reducing the payments by decreasing the interest rate. Moreover, suppose the business must make higher payments. In that case, you can also consider cutting other overhead expenses, such as finding a cheaper supplier to reduce your cost of sales. You can also increase the selling price of your products, increasing the return on capital employed, further increasing your inflows, leading you to pay your debts relatively quickly. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Surplus Inventory

Hoarding is as harmful to business as it is to a household budget. An excessive inventory restricts the cash flow and risks potential loss given the expiry or timeliness of the goods stocked. A surplus inventory usually happens when a manufacturer manufactures more than demanded products or a product quickly goes out of trend, causing declining sales. It causes the business to have higher amounts of current assets, i.e., the closing inventory, and makes the management of the cash flows rather tricky to handle. The stock stays longer on the shelves, which might result in obsolete stock, and it will take up extra storage, again increasing storage costs and resulting in higher expenses and high outflow.  

You could use the just-in-time production method if you’re in a manufacturing business. It will ensure you produce only the necessary inventory that could go to waste later. This way, there wouldn’t be any additional costs, and the cash flow would be stable. If you’re in a retail business, you should only buy the amount of inventory you are sure will be sold. The company will have fewer current assets, and the income will be higher, reducing the outflows. Further, it makes it easy to analyze the cash flow position.

CorpNet. Start A New Business Now About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Common Mistakes in PPC Ad Campaigns

Pay-per-click or PPC marketing is one of businesses’ most valuable digital marketing channels to reach their targeted customers. It enables enterprises to develop quick and highly converting results without waiting for the slow build of SEO or other channels. While most companies and businesses have mastered the art of running PPC campaigns, errors and mistakes occasionally happen.

The success of your campaign depends on the effective use of the technique. If you are applying a marketing budget on PPC but are not getting the desired results, then there is something wrong that you need to address. CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Some Common PPC Mistakes You Need to Resolve

  • Running multiple campaigns without testing

Another common mistake marketers make is running multiple PPC campaigns without proper testing. While running different campaigns may give you traffic, it will not help you identify the target and message. Conduct regular split tests to determine the usefulness of each campaign. Optimize all the marks, keywords, and other metrics to make your PPC a successful run.

  • Failure to plan your campaign

Like every marketing strategy, your PPC campaigns need an effective plan to generate desired results. One of the most common mistakes marketers make is doing sloppy research on the target market before initializing the campaign. Diving headfirst in a movement without a plan will exhaust your marketing budget without giving you any results.

A planned strategy will inform you about the market and the budget needed and set you apart from the competitors. You can quickly outline marketing design and performance metrics using a well-thought-out plan. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

  • Neglecting the quality of landing pages

A common misconception in running PPC campaigns is neglecting landing page quality. Many marketers consider landing page quality only for SEO and leave it in PPC, significantly costing them. Always remember that a landing page’s relevance and quality influence the buyer’s decision. If your landing page loads too slowly or has useless content, it will harm your campaign more than reasonable.

Focus on designing quality landing pages with relevant information and run them on the PPC to gain maximum engagement.

  • Only using broad matching keywords

Keywords are the soul of a successful PPC campaign. Effective campaigns start with the strong support of keyword research to identify the search preferences and intent of the targeted audience. A common mistake is leaving those keywords without proper analysis of broad-match keywords in your campaign. These general match keywords often have various phrases misspelled and affect the results.

A broad match keyword also influences other campaign factors, such as recent search history, variety of keywords, or the range of searches an advertisement appears. While this practice may give you many impressions, it will not show you the desired results as expected. Such a practice may eat your budget and as your ads display to a broader audience. Incorporate phrase-match keywords that relate to your industry and easily reach your target audience. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

  • Not keeping ROI in check

It is easy to lose focus on ROI whenever a campaign runs successfully. They often decide based on metrics such as clicks, impressions, or conversions. They fail to address the success that generated their revenue, resulting in money spent in the wrong areas. The best way to prevent such a situation is to keep ROI in check and address where the campaign made the most successful revenue generation.

  • Neglecting call to action

A call to action, or CTA, is necessary for online marketing, whether you do SEO or run PPC campaigns. A strategically placed and visible CTA gives potential customers an easy way to engage with your brand and get acquainted. Place a CTA in an area your visitors can see clearly to maximize your marketing success and revenue.

Bottom Line

PPC is a valuable marketing platform that generates immediate results that convert. Planning and strategizing your campaigns is the right way to ensure maximum yield and revenue. Take guidance from the common mistakes mentioned above to prevent campaign downtime and stop the wastage of the marketing budget.

Download A Free Financial Toolkit About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Persuasion to Increase Sales

Several psychology and neuro-marketing studies show that buying or acquiring a product results from a decision-making process that includes a non-conscious component. As a result, it is essential to know some persuasion techniques to increase sales quickly.

What is Persuasion?

Often, the mistake is made to confuse persuasion with manipulation. To understand the application of sales techniques, it is necessary to understand the concept of persuasion, which is the ability to change, form, or reinforce specific attitudes in others through communication.

Persuasion requires you to generate a desire or sense of necessity in your consumers so that they acquire your products and services. Your responsibility is to convince them that your goods or services are the best option without using deception or coercion. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Persuasion Techniques to Increase Sales

All people have a series of innate behavior patterns, so if you can identify them correctly, you can use them to promote business sales. It is similar when you develop the profile of your ideal client; the more knowledge you have about them, the better product you can offer.

These are some of the best persuasion methods you can apply in business:


The concept of reciprocity is fundamental. It refers to the value that you bring to your audience spontaneously.   In one way or another, it is human nature to feel in debt. When this type of attention is received, consumers will want to return and be faithful to your business.

Reciprocity is a positive factor in sales, but keep in mind that it is not a matter of reminding them of what you have done for them but researching what they prefer, what their problems are, what they have disliked, and what is needed. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Social Test

Most people have a gregarious sense of their actions, which results in the notion that a famous brand or product has excellent quality. While this may sometimes be true, it is not always the case.

You must ensure positive testimonials to break with this idea and promote customer confidence. To achieve this, comments on social networks or word of mouth will be your best allies.   An advantage of the internet is that you can quickly locate positive reviews that attract the attention of new potential clients.


Something completely indisputable is that authority sells. A simple example of authority can be seen regarding colds. Professional understanding of colds and instruction from a doctor is heeded differently than advice from a neighbor or friend. In essence, people will typically rely on an expert. In sales, the same thing happens; the best way to get customers to perceive you as reputable is through people with more significant influence than yours.

Currently, making use of social media influencers is the best advertising. If they comment on your brand, speak well, or refer to an expert opinion, many of your followers will be interested and want to buy your products or services. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Commitment and Coherence

One of your priorities should be to achieve the perfect balance between what you say and what you do, much like you expect your employees to fulfill the same function. It is essential for proper functioning and stable sales to have rules for sellers and see that these rules are met.

It is equally important to be honest; do not say that one of your products can provide a benefit if it is invalid. If a client believes you have lied, they will not speak well of your services, will not recommend it, and may want to return it for a refund. Committing to honesty and coherence in messages and product claims will increase consumer confidence and sales.  

CorpNet. Start A New Business Now About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts