Any self-employed person who has visited a financial institution to apply for a mortgage will know that everything is usually wrong. If an indefinite worker or an official currently has severe difficulties obtaining financing, whether a mortgage or personal, it is easy to imagine how complicated it is for a self-employed person.
Traditional banking has never opted for entrepreneurs, among other things, because their employees tend not to be precise. The apparent safety of an indefinite to years of experience in their self-employed business is much more valued. Whether we liked it or not, we started from a more complex initial situation before the bank.
In an ideal world, the director who attends us would know the world of business management and analyze the qualitative aspects that make our bar or engineering firm a good business. The reality is that they usually do not have much idea of how the companies in our sector work.
Therefore, before entering through the door of a bank office, we must prepare a dossier, as complete as possible, that includes the following:
- An executive summary with the key points that demonstrate our ability to pay and ability to manage the business, in addition to the characteristics of the mortgage we request. The directors have little time, and this page must be visually appealing and valuable for you to think: “The rest is worth reading; this freelancer knows.”
- A summary of the history of our business, our curriculum, and what makes us unique. Let us sell our abilities as a freelancer without exaggeration but without being too humble. If we are sure we will generate a stable income to pay the mortgage, we must transmit it in writing.
- Tax and accounting documentation is orderly and complete. If we are not experts, help us, our tax and accounting advisor. One caveat: let us not pretend to grant us money if our accounting books say we are in ruin. We must present benefits and explain to them if there are dips in income or extraordinary expenses; the more explained the balance sheet and the profit and loss account, the more likely we are that the principal will end up sending the mortgage to risk.
- Many operations are never studied because of inadequate information that makes the director not finish reading it.
- Information on income and expenses that extend the tax and accounting documentation. Who are our main customers and suppliers? Do we have diversified sales? New projects pending signing? Any written information that highlights our strengths and that accounting does not reflect well.
- Guarantees that we can provide apart from mortgaging the home we want to buy, if we can give double guarantees (also mortgage another property), solvent guarantors, pledge fixed-term deposits, or any other promise for the bank that will charge what it grants us, we must express in writing.
- Demonstrate saving capacity and prudence in spending: our checking accounts reflect a lot of ourselves without a doubt. We spend, what real monthly income we have, save or reach the end of the month in red, etc. Let us be honest with ourselves; we only can grant a mortgage if we can save a monthly amount. A self-employed person without savings has a challenging time applying for a mortgage. It is a harsh reality.
- Interview with the banks. Let us make several copies of the financing dossier, printed with quality and a pleasant design. If we are good commercials, it is time to prove it. We arrange several interviews with the directors of the financial institutions that offer the most competitive mortgages. Let us clearly and concisely explain what we do, what we enter, and what we offer the bank (the company’s cross-business, for example). Do not be discouraged by the “no”; you must visit banks and different branches until you find the director and the entity that wants to fight our mortgage.
Getting a mortgage autonomous is not an easy task. But neither is being self-sufficient, and if we have come here, it is because we are competent on our own. Let us arm ourselves with courage and patience and understand that the process of applying for a mortgage must be devoted to time and effort. It is not personal, and it is business.