Numerous studies have shown that afternoons are the most unproductive time of the day. Several factors make your afternoons unproductive. Some of these factors include but are not limited to a sedentary lifestyle, eating habits, and lack of sleep. Almost every working professional is constantly finding new and better ways to become more productive and get more things done effectively and efficiently in their 9-5 job hours.
The secret to getting more done in the afternoons and to be more productive is to alter one’s lifestyle and adopt healthier habits. The following tips and suggestions are easy and convenient ways to achieve a more productive afternoon.
Eat Healthy Foods
Almost everyone is aware of the saying that you are what you eat. It is no surprise that you will feel unproductive and lethargic if you do not get the right nutrients. The first step in achieving a productive afternoon is to eat nourishing foods that are high in nutrients. Snack on to more fruits and vegetables as they are an excellent source of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. It is good to remember that your brain uses up 70% of the food that you eat. Avoiding junk food will help you stay sharp and be more productive throughout the day, especially in the afternoons.
Have Lunch with Co-Workers
Whenever you have the chance and opportunity, always eat with your team. Eating together will help you create a stronger bond with your team members and help you become more productive. When you have stronger bonding with your team, you worry less and focus more on working efficiently. Utilize your lunch breaks as a time to get to know your team and also to unwind mentally.
Skip the Music
It is a common misconception that listening to music while working will make you more productive. Research has found that listening to music while working can negatively impact when you are doing cognitive tasks. The trick to effectively use music to boost your productivity in the afternoon is limiting the amount of time you spend listening to music. If you want to be truly productive, listen to music for fifteen to twenty minutes before working.
Use Afternoons for Lengthy Tasks
Afternoons can be used for the most time-consuming tricks. A big part of being productive requires making the most out of your time. To make the most of your afternoons, schedule them to do tasks that require time and not attention. By working smartly, you will be able to have a productive afternoon.
Practice Simple Yoga
One of the easiest ways to fight off fatigue and unproductivity is to practice simple yoga stances. You would be surprised that how less tired you will feel after a quick yoga session. Yoga doesn’t have to be time-consuming. Some of the postures can even be done while sitting on your office chair. This will help refresh your mind and body, and sitting for extended periods can misalign your back. When you have a fresh mind and body, you can make the most out of afternoons.
Prioritize Your Tasks
We all have different bodies. This means that some of you might feel more tired around 3 pm while others around 4 pm. To ensure a productive afternoon, understand your body’s tendency to feel exhausted. By doing so, you can prioritize your tasks by their difficulty. You can tackle the most difficult task during your early hours while saving less demanding tasks for afternoons.
You, too, can have a productive afternoon if you make small changes in your everyday life. Follow the aforementioned tips and suggestions to get the most out of your afternoons.