Financial debt is something that many have to deal with at some time or another in their life. Due to poor spending habits or taking out loans for larger purchases, you need to work to overcome debt. Paying down debt is possible, but there are some mistakes that many people make when it comes to debt. Here are six debt making mistakes you should stop making.
No Negotiation
It is surprisingly easy to negotiate your credit card debts. Most people don’t even think about negotiating the terms of their debts and payments, but it is one of the easiest things to do. In most cases, you merely need to pick up the phone and call your bank and ask if a lower interest rate is possible. Though this is an easy task, many people don’t do it. One call could save you thousands of dollars in some circumstances, so make that call.
Failing to Plan
Most people don’t think it is necessary to have a planned budget to pay off their debts. This could not be further from the truth. You need to have a planned budget that shows you exactly where you’re spending, so you know where to make changes and cuts. The most important thing to remember is that you need to create a strategy and stick to it. While you may have to do without some luxuries for a little while, it will be worth it when you are debt-free because of your efforts.
Failure to Prioritize
Many people don’t prioritize debt. If there is difficulty with making payments in some cases, they ignore the debt and allow it to grow or default. Once you make your debt a priority, you must put the debt that carries interest first, such as credit cards or loans. Paying off the highest interest debt first will save you money as the interest rates can make the debt grow and possibly become unmanageable.
Paying Bills Late
When people fail to pay their bills on time, the amount increases after the due date because of late fees. It means that you are just giving away your money in late fees to credit card companies, banks, and landlords. Paying late on some bills also affects your credit score, so you not only get hit with the fees but also decrease your purchasing power. To fix this problem, you need to budget and live within your means and pay your bills on time. If you are consistently late, you need to find where the problem is and fix it.
Not Asking for Help
Pride is a tough thing to deal with, but many people have it when It comes to finances. While it is not suggested that you ask for financial assistance to pay your bills or make ends meet regularly, there are times when it could be the difference between peace of mind or dire issues. You need a roof, electricity, water, and food. If any of those are threatened and don’t have the means to cover them, you can ask for help. In some cases, you may have a friend or family member that can give you a no-interest loan you can use to consolidate and pay down debts so you can start on an even field. Put aside that pride and ask. The worst they can say is no.
No Emergency Fund
Having an emergency fund saved is so vital that a whole article could be dedicated to it. If you have no other savings, account you should at least have an emergency fund. Start small and save $1,000 in as large increments as you can afford without hardship. Once you have reached this goal, start saving towards equal to six months of your income. Once you have this saved, you can decide if this is enough padding for you or save to twelve months of income.
Some important things to remember while building an emergency fund. Don’t focus on any other savings until your emergency fund is complete. Use the highest interest savings account you can find for these savings, so it grows. Money market accounts are notoriously great for this type of savings because of interest and ease of access without being too easy to access that you are tempted to spend for non-emergency expenditures. Have a trusted friend or family member named on the account or power-of-attorney to someone if you are incapacitated so it can be accessed to take care of everything during those times.