Many of us have dreamed of having our own business, and a way to start usually involves working from home. Just as it has great advantages, there are also certain things that nobody has told you, but it is important that you know if you are considering this type of business.
Working from home gives people a lot of flexibility, but also a lot of problems, so it is important to have a complete vision of what it means to be an entrepreneur. Not all people are ready to work from home, and this is one of the reasons why 80% of businesses that start at home fail. The more information you have, the better prepared you will be. Here we leave you 5 things that nobody has told you about working at home:
Your Family and Friends will Believe that you do Nothing
Working from home means staying in a space that you normally use to rest, this means that you will probably receive many calls from family and friends saying: “taking advantage of your home …”. People around you will believe that you are not as busy, stressed or dedicated as they do to their jobs and will ask for things from you that you surely cannot do. It is important that you set limits from the beginning and explain to your family and friends that you are trying to start a business so your time and concentration will be dedicated to it.
Forget About Weekends
There are also no holidays, or overtime. Many entrepreneurs can tell you about birthdays, festivities and important events that have been missing due to their business. When starting a company you need to have very good time management, but also know how to sacrifice certain things for others. It is likely that several years pass before you can take a real vacation.
Returning to a “Normal” Job will be Very Difficult
Once you take the first step towards your own business, your goal is not to return to work for anyone else, but sometimes dreams are not fulfilled. Even so, the more time you spend working in your own business, the more difficult it will be to return to work at an office or a regular job. Working from home accustoms you to your own schedules, to receive a payment per project instead of per hour and to organize your activities according to your needs. Returning to a regular job can be very complicated if you need to.
Your Work Never Really Ends
This is probably one of the most complicated truths of working at home. When you have a project, you never really finish working because most likely before finishing one thing you will already be planning or working on the next one. The work is constant and as with point number 2, you must have a very good time management to ensure that you can fulfill all your obligations.
Charging your Customers will Become an Extreme Sport
One of the main problems of any entrepreneur is to charge their customers. In many cases you must spend long hours on the phone, write several emails or visit them in person to ensure the payment of your bills.

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