Due to global circumstances, the virtual world has leaped forward in the past few years. It was moving forward before the events that made it a necessity. However, now it is a much more accepted business practice to meet, work, and study virtually.
Many companies are growing their staff worldwide, which makes it necessary to rethink the training process for your business. These changes in the way companies train are not only for companies with employees spread worldwide, but businesses with local employees may also find that virtual training can benefit. In fact, 42% of companies that use e-learning generate more income!
Here are some reasons you should consider virtual training and E-learning as an option for your business.
Some people are not good at multitasking. Virtual training and learning at the learner’s pace can make them more focused. Also, not being in an office environment will lessen the possibility of business-related interruptions. According to studies, virtual e-learners are one and a half times more focused than physical learners because of eliminating distractions. This is proven by e-learning increasing retention rates of students to roughly 25%-60%.
Operations and training can be expensive for any company. Training will have a payoff with an employee knowing processes and products better. Training is considered unproductive time because it is not generating revenue. Therefore, the savings on overhead can offset some of the revenue lost while employees are in training.
While some virtual training classes may require a virtual instructor, e-learning is mostly self-paced and done via videos and software interaction. This type of learning will save on paying more employees to instruct the classes making them unproductive employees.
Ultimately, virtual training can be the most cost-effective option when it comes to training. There may be some additional costs upfront in obtaining software and producing high-quality training videos. However, those costs will be quickly overcome with the other savings virtual training will give a company.
Serves Different Learning Styles
Not everyone learns the same way. Some are visual learners, some have knowledge through hands-on experience, and others need to write notes to learn. There will always be those that will require physical training to thrive, but virtual learning gives way to the diversity of learning styles your employees will have.
One of the most significant advantages of virtual training is the use of a wide range of curriculum types. Virtual learning can be more enjoyable as it has videos, comments, infographics, games, and other interactive material forms that make learning fun.
Testing in the virtual environment can also be less stressful since it is not as demanding and high-pressure as it can be alongside other students. Generally, you can go at your own pace, thus removing time pressures in the classroom environment.
Most people understand that one of the primary benefits of eLearning in the corporate training world is easy and flexible access to learning. Courses can be viewed from mobile devices, laptops, notebooks, or desktop computers at any time and at any place.
Employees can learn from home but can also continue training if they are traveling or on vacation. It also allows each employee to train at a time of day or night that works best for them. Some are early risers, while others may feel more comfortable training at night.
Virtual learning also allows employees to complete training tailored to their busy schedules or family time. This convenience of virtual training will benefit your company by retaining more employees because they can work it into their life.
Reduced Learning Time
Just as virtual training saves you money, it also saves you significant time. In an in-person classroom, the teacher or instructor is bound by deadlines, but they are also bound by the pace of the average students in the class.
Because most e-learning is self-paced, in many cases, students will complete the training much faster than if they were among other students in a classroom. This speed will have your employees working sooner, thus cutting down on unproductive time while the employee is training.
Ultimately, any employee who is not productive to the revenue is costing you and the company money. Therefore, since virtual learning has proven to be a faster training method, reducing the time for training will also increase revenue.
Overall, virtual training is a plus to any business, but it is not helpful to all companies or corporations. Depending on the company, some things cannot be learned virtually. Therefore this type of training is not a one size fits all way of training employees.
Using the reasons above, you can assess whether your company is best served by training employees virtually. If you choose this type of training, the benefits are many, and the drawbacks are few which is why 2 out of 5 businesses listed in the Fortune 500 use e-learning applications in some form.