Like a commercial brand, the personal brand must be elaborated with dedication, be protected and transmitted to all people. It is a concept that makes reference to the footprint that you leave in others, in order to differentiate and communicate what makes you visible and allows you to excel in a competitive environment.
It is very common for you to make certain mistakes when creating your personal brand, however, it is nothing that you cannot correct. You must first identify what you are doing wrong, it is important that you remain firm and do not lose the perception, since otherwise you may end up confusing your audience.
Error # 1 – Identity not well defined
To start defining your personal brand, you must first be clear about your identity, who you are, what you are looking for, what you want, what you know how to do, etc. All these special aspects will help you to differentiate yourself from the rest, and will make the public interested in you. Without a defined identity, you will not get the number of followers you want.
Think carefully about the subject you want to identify with, since when you start to position yourself in that sector, the public will know what your specialty is and the value you bring to the subject.
Error # 2 – Use different names in networks
Think right from the beginning the name that will represent you, one of the mistakes that are often committed more often is to have several profiles with different names on social networks, this way the general public will not be able to recognize you easily.
What should you do? Precisely have the same name and photo in all your profiles, so it will be easier to gain followers.
Mistake # 3 – Lack of objectives or goals
Doing things just to do them has never been good, you should always have a defined goal with an action plan that helps you achieve what you have proposed. This applies to any situation, before carrying out an action, for example, making a new publication, ask yourself how that post contributes to your content, what it is you want to achieve, how your followers know you, and if the content represents you, etc.
At this point it is also key to measure the impact of your actions, so that you can determine if the strategy you are using is appropriate and if it is giving good results. It is not simply to have goals, but to analyze the results and make the adjustments that are necessary to keep improving.
Mistake # 4 – Remove negative opinions or opinions that you do not like
Transparency is fundamental in gaining a reputation and creating your personal brand, there will always be people who give negative or critical comments with intentions to offend. Remember that you should not fall into their game and show yourself how you are, even if there are different opinions. It is not honest or correct to eliminate the messages you do not like, on the contrary, learn to face these situations and manage them in the right way.
Mistake # 5 – Do not be yourself, lack of originality and inconsistency
Do not copy the other people, the one that can be harmed is you. It’s okay to do some research to analyze the competition, but you should never stop being yourself. It is a common mistake to want to copy others, to the point that you start to change your personality without realizing it. When your personal brand is not consistent, the probability of failing in the attempt is much higher.
To expand your brand it is always good to dedicate the time necessary to develop a good plan and publish content on a regular basis, it may take a little more time, but doing it irregularly will make it difficult for your followers to follow your rhythm.

About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing services to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud-hosted desktop where their entire team and tax accountant may access the QuickBooks file, critical financial documents and back office tools in an efficient and secure environment. Complete Controller’s team of US based accounting professionals are certified QuickBooks™️ ProAdvisor’s providing bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay services. With flat rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost effective expert accounting solution for business, family office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.