You have searched the internet for the job you want, filled out the application, and submitted your resume and cover letter. The hiring manager has contacted you for an interview for the position of your dreams. The first step to landing the perfect job can be easy because you don’t have to speak to anyone to impress them. Now you have an interview date set, and you want to be prepared. Here are 12 fantastic interview tips that are sure to impress the interviewer and help you land your dream job.
Be on Time
This tip may seem obvious, but it is the most important. To make a great impression be on time. Never make the interviewer wait, it will make you look irresponsible, and the rest of the interview, if it is continued, will be difficult.
Knock Before Entering
Ignoring the most common etiquette may send the wrong message in an interview. Do not enter the room without knocking. If a candidate fails to knock before entering the room, it gives a bad first impression. Enter only when the person on the other side of the door has permitted.
Research Your Potential Employer
Before going to interview, do a thorough research about that potential workplace (the company you are applying to.) There will often be questions from the interviewer that will be better answered if you have researched the company. Questions like, “Why do you want to work for our company?” or “What do you like about this company?” To answer these questions, if research is done, the interviewer will be impressed with your knowledge and thoughtful answers.
Dress to Impress
Before going to an interview, research what to wear. Many people will give a negative impression by the way they are dressed for the interview. Even if a company is casual in the dress code, the interview should be approached with business attire. Dressing appropriately will give a great impression and set a positive tone for the rest of the interview.
Research Job Responsibilities
Through research and the application process, you should be familiar with the responsibilities of the job for which you are interviewing. The knowledge of what is expected will make the interview successful as you can gear your answers about your qualifications towards the specific duties.
Have a Positive Attitude
Having a positive attitude will always go a long way to getting successful results in an interview. Hiring managers are always going to hire a person that seems to want to be there and is excited about working at their company. Keeping the tone friendly and positive will set everyone at ease and will facilitate you landing the job.
Actively Listen
Listen to the interviewer carefully; avoid repeating questions, and actively listen. This will show that you are interested in the job and care to know more. When the interviewer is speaking, it is crucial that you not interrupt. Let them complete the thought or question before speaking. Actively listening will also help you recognize cues of when it is expected that you speak.
Turn Off Your Phone
Before entering, the room put your phone on silent. Also, keep it in your bag or pocket and not where the interviewer can see it. When interviewing for the job of your dreams, there is nothing more important than that time you are in the interview.
Practice the Interview
Even the most confident people can become nervous in an interview. Practicing what you will say will not only have you prepared, it will boost your confidence. There is no way to know exactly what the interviewer will ask or say, but practicing some basic questions and answers that are likely to be asked will make it easier to answer any question that comes your way.
Ask Questions
Often the interviewer asks a person if they have any questions at the end of the interview. You should have a list of questions to ask. These questions should demonstrate your level of professionalism as well as your knowledge.
Be Enthusiastic
For the best first impression, you should be enthusiastic when you enter the room. This goes hand in hand with displaying a positive attitude. If an interviewer is choosing between multiple qualified candidates, the one who is positive and enthusiastic will leave a lasting impression.
Remain Calm
On occasion, an interviewer may ask a provoking or shocking question. If this happens, do not overreact and remain calm. If you become angry or get flustered, it could end the interview and your chances of landing the job. The key is to control nerves and emotions. The question could have been asked to test your reaction, and you can’t go back if you overreact. If a question is genuinely inappropriate and leaves you feeling uncomfortable, just finish the interview calmly and make decisions on how to handle it after it is over.
Many of these interview tips are common sense but are often forgotten. This could be due to nerves or being ill-prepared. If you use these great tips, the interview will be successful, and you will be invited to start your dream job.