How do I earn money? is undoubtedly the question that every person faces when it comes to giving up their office work and traveling. Unfortunately, those who grew up thinking that the only way to prosper is to spend their lives working from 9 to 6 find it difficult to think of alternatives that allow them to generate the income necessary to achieve their goals.
Do you want to know what options exist to make money online? This list is for you:
Have a blog
In short, a blog is a type of website with articles (posts) arranged chronologically from the most recent to the oldest. Although blogs were born as an informal way of sharing information and experiences, over time, they evolved to become, among other things, a way to generate income online. Monetizing a blog requires time and effort. It is a long-term commitment if true results are desired. A blog can generate income through advertising, info product, affiliate sales, paid communities, sponsors, sale of digital products, etc.
Work in a Freelance way
Selling services online from your home or anywhere in the world is the dream of many. The freelance market grows more and more and presents many advantages for all those involved. In short, a freelancer is a person who offers professional services to their portfolio of clients or companies through the internet. The most common freelance professions are graphic design; Web design, programming; Writer; Illustration. Legal and accounting services, engineering, consulting, and more can also be offered.
Work as a Virtual Assistant
Like traditional secretaries, an online assistant is a person who offers different types of support to businesses or professionals from home. More and more entrepreneurs are opting to hire the services of virtual assistants, who perform varied tasks such as online research, network management, customer assistance, organization, search for clients, and more. You can easily set up your online assistant. business
Work as a Tutor
An online tutor is someone who teaches his students through a virtual environment instead of sharing a classroom. Many tutoring jobs require academic preparation, but others are based simply on the teacher’s experience. It is quite common to find tutors who teach online languages, but it is not the only specialization that can be taught in virtual form. An online tutor can create their own business or work through specialized platforms such as:
- Tutor Hub
- Homework Tutoring
- Revolution Prep
- iTalki
- Cambly
- Tutor Vista
Create a course in UDEMY
Udemy is the world’s largest e-learning platform – with more than 4 million students – where you can sell courses on virtually anything: JavaScript, piano lessons, yoga, personal relationships, and more. Udemy keeps a percentage of your earnings, but in return, hosts the course on the platform and promotes your course among its users.
Become a coach
If you are an expert in a particular field, it is possible to take advantage of that knowledge and become a coach, teaching students anywhere in the world. There are coaches of all kinds: relationships, business, to lose weight, whatever you can think of. But not to be confused: although anyone can be a coach, it is a highly competitive market that often requires certifications such as ICF.
Become a Consultant
Unlike a Coach – who teaches and accompanies you on the road – a Consultant directly tells you what to do concerning your specialty. It can be a highly lucrative profession as long as the person knows what they are talking about.
Work remotely
This is the ideal option for those who want the independence of working from anywhere, but the security of being part of a company. While most companies prefer that their workers share an office, more and more of them see the benefits of having remote workers: employees that comply with schedules and tasks without having to be physically present in the same place of the company, but who enjoy the traditional benefits of being a hired worker, like a fixed salary every month.
Create a Private Community
If your content is excellent and you are positioned as an authority figure in the market, then you could create a private community where in exchange for a monthly payment, your customers can access additional high-quality content and exclusive information for their members.
Being an Influencer
Beyond giving the possibility of interacting with friends, social networks are a unique channel for companies to promote their products and services directly. This is where influencers enter the game: people with large numbers of real followers who interact with their content on networks. Companies look for these influencers to promote their products in different networks in exchange for money, free samples, etc.